History and why you should learn it

When it comes to history people should take a good look to make sure not to make the same mistakes as others before us have made. It is supposed to be a learning experience. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Everything around us has history behind it. Does it mean we should change it? History is made every day. Sometimes it is good and sometimes it is bad. Read up on your history. Learn something new. History is a lesson. Yes it can be boring at times but only if you make it boring. Dealing with things in force does not solve problems, it creates problems. Most people do not do well with change. When you take something they’ve known all their life away from them how do they usually react, they go with it with force or other symbolic. Those things are a reminder of what happened at any given time. Educate yourself when it comes to history because maybe you’ll learn a valued lesson and the struggles of others. Quit thinking about just you when there are millions and billions of people with history. Some of these have died fighting to give us what we have now. How do you think that makes them feel when they see people fighting over petty things? I have many favorite times in history. Some of the things I’ve learned I thought to myself how lucky I am to be where I am. Some think that if you take some things out of sight that it will be out of sight and out of mind and it doesn’t work that way. There will always be people who bully others. There will always want those to think like them. In the end it doesn’t matter. We are all different. We all have different opinions. We all think differently. We all use different parts of our brains. Nobody is alike. We might have similar views. There will always be people that we don’t like. Does that mean we should fight them? No. We should respect that people are different and struggle differently. What makes us who we are is that we are different. There will be those who want us to conform to their ways and that is not the way at all. As human beings we were meant to be different and feel different. Not one person feels like the other. All we can have in an understanding of that other person. 


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