Featured Author Tony Spencer
Go check out Tony Spencer's writing and blog. See why he likes to write and what keeps him going.
Name or pen name- Tony Spencer
Location- Yateley, Hampshire, England
How long have you been writing? 3 years
How many books have you wrote? wrote? 24
What genre of books do you write? Humour, romance and fantasy, in flash, shorts, novellas and novels. In my stories I tackle any genre.
Who or what inspires you to write. Anything and everything, an odd remark here or there simply sparks a blue touch paper within me
What books do you like? thrillers and traditional character-driven romances
Where is your favorite place to read? cafes
What was the first book you published? Oh dear how embarrassing, a short story about a honeymoon couple who each had a secret to confess, called "Fifty Seven Fifty", December 2012
What is the last book you published? "Fifty Odd Shades of Monochrome" a collection of 58 stories, May 2015
Who is your favorite author and why? Neville Shute, good old-fashioned dramas with real characters
How often do you write? Every day if possible, rearely go more than 3 days without a word. I publish on average about 180,000 words per year, through 120 stories so far.
What book are you currently working on? "Rock Chick", a short, "The Extra" a novella, and "Life Less Lived", a novel (I always work on 2 or 3 at the same time)
Give a little bit of details of you. List all books you’ve published, links of where to buy your books, description of each book. List all social networks that you are connected to. I am married, for nearly 40 years, have 2 boys and 3 grandchildren, about to retire. I am a local councillor, currently Deputy Town Mayor of my small town, where I have lived for 32 years. Too many books to list, 5 on Amazon, 20 on Smashwords
Check his blog out- http://tonyspencer1950.wordpress.com/
Also check him out on Amazon-
Check him out on facebook- https://www.facebook.com/tony.spencer.942/
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