Featured Author Regina Partap

Go check out Regina Partap's interview. See why she likes to write, check out her books, and a little bit of information about herself.

Name: Regina Partap

Pen Names: Gina Moray and Regina Morris

Location: Chattanooga, TN

How long have you been writing? I have been writing for a little over 10 months. I am still very green, but tenacious and determined. I will get a Bram Stoker Award, I will.

How many books have you wrote? I have completed the first book in my children’s series, “The Adventures of Kerchoo,” and it’s with the illustrator now. I have several short stories completed and numerous flash fiction.

What genre of books do you write? I write primarily in Horror and Children’s Fiction, although I do have a few Fantasy, Sci Fi, and Contemporary Lit pieces in various stages of development. I even get around to a dark poem or two every now and then.

Who or what inspires you to write? Well it is different for my two genres really. I am inspired to write children’s fiction because I care deeply about child literacy. Having read many children’s books to my kids when they were young, I noticed a gap in good, entertaining books that also encourage reading comprehension and critical thinking for grades K-2. So I decided to try my hand at helping to fill that gap. For my horror, I am inspired by the dreams that my mind is able to create that would scare the daylights out of most people. Not to be cliché, but it is truly a gift and a curse. I have awesome horror stories to write, but I am the one who has to dream them up first. I generally get my ideas from anything. Literally. Anything.

What books do you like? I will read just about anything from any genre, although my tops are Fantasy and Horror, specifically, Stephen King, JR Ward, Chloe Neill, Jack Ketchum, Douglas Clegg, Kim Harrison, Tad Williams, etc. You should see my bookshelves. Since I started writing, I tend to stay away from biographies and most non-fiction, as I find that they can dull my creativity.

Where is your favorite place to read? On my deck with an iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts and my dogs.

What is the first book you published? The first book I will publish is “The Adventures of Kerchoo: Treasure Voyage,” in late summer.

Who is your favorite author and why? I would have to say my favorite author is Edgar Allan Poe, only because he was my first glimpse into the horror genre. Ever since I read The Black Cat, I knew I was in love with horror.

How often do you write? Since I still work full time, not as much as I would like, but I do still write daily whenever I can sneak in a few words or a flash fiction for my blog over lunch.

What books are you currently working on? I am editing my short story, “The Cemetery at Devil’s Bend” for a summer publication and I am working on my first novel, “Jack,” which is a working title at this point. It has proven to be a daunting task as my characters and I have been in constant battle over where the story is going. I lost.

Details about myself: I am a civil servant by day and a wife and mother to two kids. I am a Rotarian, a member of the Horror Writers Association, and a Scout mom. I also help take care of two dogs, two cats, two frogs (getting the Noah’s Ark theme here…) and several fish. I am a complete goof but take my writing very seriously. I will also be the first to tell you I am crazy as a loon. But hey, you have to be to write horror, otherwise, who would read it?

You can find me at:
Facebook:           www.facebook.com/regina.partap
Twitter:                @Gina_Moray and @reginamorris36
WordPress Horror Story Blog:      www.moraysnightmares.wordpress.com
Tumblr:                MoraysNightmares
Website:              www.GinaMoray.com (under construction)
                              www.Kerchoo.com (under construction)

Book Descriptions: The Adventures of Kerchoo: Treasure Voyage – A pirate adventure on the high seas with an overly furry cat, his furball maties, and plenty of shrimp. A companion workbook will build on the concepts of weather and map reading that are introduced in the book. 


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