About weight loss and eating part 3

I went grocery shopping recently and it was so hard. With the blood test I got back recently it said it's a small chance that I have an allergy to wheat and beef. The two that are probably more accurate are corn and peanuts. Everything nearly has corn in it which is going to make it somewhat hard to shop or figure out what to eat and same goes for peanuts. I was eating peanuts for three weeks and every day I was itchy and would break out in hives. I just didn't get it until a friend said now that you have those results you might want to back off the nuts. It's proved more difficult to find chocolate.  I love chocolate. I know I can't have chocolate all the time but if I can't find it then I'm going to lose my mind.  I'm ready for allergy test which is June 17th so I can figure out which allergies I actually have so I can feel better or not feel better on some of those days.I know with the support of family and friends I'll get through this.


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