Showing posts from 2015
Psychic Vampire Prophecies.
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I am trying to currently finish the final book in the Psychic Vampire Prophecies. Trying to figure out how to end it with a bang and bam with a pizzazz to it. This series is about a girl Alexis and her twin brother Stephen who are Psychic Vampires. They are a apart of a prophecy that had been handed down generation to generation and no one was for certain when it would come about. They all have different abilities and some are similar. There are blood vampires as well. Most don't know that the vampire race exist. They live every day lives like humans in ways. They work, pay taxes, have families, go to school, have kids, and die of old age. That's just a little bit of it. Are any of them immortal? You'll have to read to find out. There are 4 books in the series so far. Check them out on Amazon.
What are you doing for Thanksgiving?
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Have a good weekend. What is everyone doing for Thanksgiving? What are you cooking? For me I am going to work on writing and taking pictures. I will be doing a lot of cooking. I'm cooking turkey, green bean casserole, candied sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, macaroni -n- cheese, green beans, cream of corn, deviled eggs, cranberry relish dish, 2 pumpkin pies, and 2 chocolate pies. I will be spending it with my boys, dad, sister, brother -n- law, and 2 nieces.
30 things I'm Thankful for
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Here are the things I'm thankful for. 1) My kids who make my life worth living and getting up every day. 2) Family who supports and helps me. 3)Friends who stand by me and are there for me. 4)My house. 5)Having food. 6) Having transportation to get to point A to B. 7) Having my GED. 8) Being adopted by a loving family when I was born. 9) Having medical care to take care of myself. 10) Going to college. 11) Accomplishing my goals towards my degree. 12) Writing. 13) Taking pictures. 14) Getting my books published. 15) Hearing my kids telling me they love me. 16) People who have reviewed my books. 17) Having people who love me. 18) My mom who helped me become the woman I am today. 19) My best friends who have helped me through a lot 20) Losing the weight that I have this year so far. 21) Learning new things. 22) Books. 23) Music that helps with my mood. 24) People who help me with my books. 25) Watching sunrises and sunsets. 26) Being as fortunate as I am. 2...
Review for Seventh Grave No Body
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When I started reading Seventh Grave No Bodies, I knew I wouldn't be disappointed. Like all six previous books Darynda Jones writes a page turner that keeps your attention from beginning to end. Charley's adventure in this one was not dull. Things steamed up more and more between Reyes. Sparks seemed to fly between those to rather their mad or happy. Some new interesting twists and turns. A few sad parts but it wouldn't make the book if you didn't feel anything.
Poem about judging
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You judge what you don't know You don't see past the surface Do you know their struggle Do you know their story You judge what you don't know An unwed mother Someone who's dress in rags Someone who has an addiction Someone who's overweight Someone who's skinny They're not you and you're not them We are different yet we are the same We all judge We all gossip Do not say you don't We all do it We all sin We all have a heart We all bleed We are born We die It is what is inside that counts Do you know what happens when you judge others We are our own worst enemies We are ourselves tear ourselves down We lose track of the big picture Live and learn Love now Did you ever think that woman felt unloved Did you ever think that person used to be rich and lost it all Did you ever think that they might have an eating disorder Did you ever think that is how they cope We all cope different We all feel different Forgive now Lov...
Helping you understand an author
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People don't understand that when I give them a free book they ask for and don't give feed back that they might as well be taking away from my kids and me. I put a lot of work into them. Some of you might not consider it work but writing takes lots of work. I don't mind sharing but you shouldn't expect an author to give their work away for free. We take time to come up with these ideas, they are our emotions, we do cry, scream, get frustrated, and much more during this process. It's like a slap in the face when you don't review our work even if it is a bad review. Bad reviews make us think what can we do to make our work better and sometimes makes us feel bad. Your review helps us get people to recognize our work. Not all of us make much money or any money at all. It isn't as easy as some of you think. Some of us bust our butts at it and self promote ourselves through networks, websites, Youtube videos, blogs, and much more. How would you feel if someone ...
Being a college student
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Being a student isn't the easiest job when you go back to school when you wait. My first semester or second semester were my hardest. I was taking twelve hours. At that time I thought I wanted my associates degree in networking. I didn't make very good grades and started feeling a lot of pain in my arm and wrist that semester. After that semester I decided to switch degree plans and am currently going for my technical certificate in photography. I love photography and have learned a lot of new things. It has been less stressful now that I'm taking less hours and doing what I enjoy doing. One smart decision I've made is not taking loans. I know some can't avoid it but with me I've lucked out. I've pulled financial aid and gotten grants. Haven't had much luck with the single parent scholarship except once and that's okay.I'm hanging in there because I want this for me. My kids are proud of me. Before I started to college I received my GED the year ...
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Being a parent
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Being a parent is more than just taking care of your child and cleaning up their messes. It's more than cooking and playing taxi. It's about spending quality time with your child. It isn't about the quantity of time you spend with them. You could be around them all day and not do a thing with them. It is about doing what they want and not always what you want. It is about that extra bedtime story, that one more show even if that show drives you completely out of your mind, sitting down and eating dinner with them, and much more. It's about helping them with homework and getting them the help they need if you can't help them. It is about listening to your child. Sometimes we get so busy we forget to listen. Sometimes you have to put housework to the side and watch a movie or play a game with them. Sometimes you have to turn your phone off and spend time with them. It is about teaching them to make good decisions even when they see us make bad ones. It is teaching the...
My health
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Ever since I found out about all the allergies I have to certain foods it has made things in life a bit difficult. I still eat some of the foods I'm allergic to. I'm trying to eliminate them but it is easier said than done. I will eat some of them from time to time but need to slow down because when I eat them, I break out into hives and live in the bathroom. Shopping isn't easy. I'm gradually losing weight. I'll be glad when I'm down to my goal weight. I still have a lot of work to do. I know I can do it though. I'm doing this for me and no one else. I'm also doing it so I can have energy and be alive for my kids. I've had to take a couple of trips to the ER in the past two months. One was for my chest wall and it being strained. The other time was for a urinary tract infection. I'm staying on top of all of these things because I want to be okay. My health is important to me.
About school2015
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Recently I just started my fall semester of college and next semester I should be done if all goes right. This semester I'm taking Video Production, Photoshop Studio2, and Advanced Photography. So far everything is going well. Start shooting a short film starting Tuesday. In Photoshop I've been editing photo's that I was given to work with to see how different functions in Photoshop work. For my Advanced Photography class I was given an assignment and told to find a subject who has character so I went with a friend of my dads to do that photo shoot. The shoot went well. I'm excited. I'll let you know more as the semester comes along.
Stargazer by Claudia Gray (Book Review)
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Stargazer by Claudia Gray was an interesting read. It is about Humans and Vampires who go to school together. When it comes to the headmistress and some of the others they make you wonder what is going on here. Bianca and a hunter knew there was something was up. When they find out it blew both of their minds.
In the Forests of the Night by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes (Book Review)
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Sneak peak into final book in Psychic Vampire Prophecies
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This is just a sneak peak into the last book in the series that I'm working on for Psychic Vampire Prophecies. Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5 New Beginnings and Endings Chapter 1:Alexis woke up early on New Year’s Eve, her mind was nonstop go. She had a lot to do that day to get things ready for the party even though she had lots of help. Chapter 2:The next morning they woke up early and headed to her fathers. When they got there no one was awake. She still had a key and let herself inside. Chapter 3: The next few weeks was hectic for everyone.
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Lost a like on my facebook page and I know everything will be okay. I want people who are my friends to like it because they are my biggest supporters. I want people who also like to read and other authors. I like sharing my books with people who like to read. I like helping other authors when I can. Y'all are awesome each and every one of you. Thanks to my kids who are awesome and support mommy 100%. Thanks to my family who stands by me. Thanks to my friends who stick by me through thick and thin. Thanks to all my supporters!! Thanks to all my fans out there!!
Dreams and Goals (Need Help)
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I have many big dreams. I don't dream small. I work towards my dreams and goals. I have been working hard on these books and plan to one day have over a million likes on this page with lots of likes, shares, and comments. I don't pay anything to do what I do and that is why it takes time to get more likes out. I promote through blogs, twitter, here, and many other places. My other goal is to one day have sold over a million books. That would be awesome. I need all of your hel p to accomplish this. My main goal in life is to be the best mom to my kids. Sometimes I do not do the best and make up for it. When I make bad decisions I talk to my kids about my bad decisions that way they know it is not okay to do those things. I am not perfect by any means. No one is perfect. I went back to school because of my kids to better myself. I am working towards being a better photographer. I also need help with that dream from my local friends in Hot Springs,Arkansas. I one day would like to...
History and why you should learn it
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When it comes to history people should take a good look to make sure not to make the same mistakes as others before us have made. It is supposed to be a learning experience. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Everything around us has history behind it. Does it mean we should change it? History is made every day. Sometimes it is good and sometimes it is bad. Read up on your history. Learn something new. History is a lesson. Yes it can be boring at times but only if you make it boring. Dealing with things in force does not solve problems, it creates problems. Most people do not do well with change. When you take something they’ve known all their life away from them how do they usually react, they go with it with force or other symbolic. Those things are a reminder of what happened at any given time. Educate yourself when it comes to history because maybe you’ll learn a valued lesson and the struggles of others. Quit thinking about just you when there are millions and billions of people ...
Another poem
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The past is the past Everyone has one It is what makes us who we are today Live in the now Love now Hug now Kiss now Watch the sunrise Watch the sunset Watch the stars shining Laugh now Spend time with ones you love now because tommorrow is the past Tell the ones you love that you love them Don't let your past rule you Let go Forgive Don't hold on Let it go Don't let it rule you Live now Smile Hold those you love close to your heart Have fun Dance and sing Live now by-Me
Another poem about my mom
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My mom taught me many things She taught me what it is like to be loved unconditionally She taught me that it is okay to be a kid even when you grow up She taught me to fight for what I believe in no matter what She taught me not to give up She taught me to smile through the pain She taught me to be strong She gave me the best lessons to be a good person and be the person I want to be She taught me that death is not the end She taught me that even when people die that we have their memories to keep us going which in turn keeps them alive by-Me
Another poem by me
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Forget what others tell you when it comes to relationships Do what makes you happy Let the walls down Let your guard down Let people inside There is no wrong way People just tell you what is acceptable When it comes to relationships and love they are both messy They aren't perfect It's being able to be yourself It's talking things out Sometimes you fight You don't always agree You don't always like the same people There are things you don't have in common When things fall a part you work on it You get jealous You say things you don't mean Sometime you even hurt each others feelings Nothing is perfect It is about finding someone who can stand by you when things are bad It is about finding someone who lets you in and takes there wall down It is about someone who doesn't want to leave It is about someone who loves you for you and doesn't let you go It is about wanting to not live without that person It is about missing the...
Doctors Visit
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Today I had a follow up doctor's visit. I went to the ER last week with my chest hurting. My heart rate was 124. They took four vials of blood and gave me an IV. I had been swimming and in the heat for about four hours. I was hydrated. I took myself off a diet pill the doctor had prescribed me because it races up your heart and with the fact I pulled a muscle we both agreed that would be in my best interest. I've lost thirteen pound in about six weeks. I'm eating better and still working with portions.She told me to put warm compresses on it and to take it a little easy.
Facebook group for Authors, Publishers,Bloggers, and Readers
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Poem I wrote
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You are special Don't let anyone make you feel different You are caring Don't let them take advantage You have a good heart You do so much for others Even though you have your bad times it is what makes you strong You might say you can be mean Only when pushed so far You have a good heart Don't let people stomp and walk over it Don't ever let anyone think your less You are an awesome person inside out
Poem for all you Father's out there
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Fathers should be held up when they stand by their child They are the ones their daughters or sons look up to They take time out for their child No matter what their child does they love that child Even when they grow up they are still there They help you the best that they can Even though you might not see them cry some cry They might not let you see them cry They try their best even when all is crumbling They do their best to be the strongest man for their family They do the best they can which is saying a lot They love their children with all their hearts They try to show them the best way they can and sometimes don't think they are appreciated No matter what they love their kids Hold Father's up more than just on Father's Day (Wrote this for all Father's who stick around and are their for their kids or other kids.)
Review of William O'Brien book The World (Peter: A Darkened Fairytale, Vol 3): Short Poems & Tiny Thoughts
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3 new poems I wrote.
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Swimming and splashing Rain coming down Wind blowing Run to car Sit in car See lightening strike Drive off Light on Video game going Oldest sitting there Phone goes off Look down Read Look up Here video game music playing Oldest talking Now rambling from video game Hold up your head Things are only bad if you let them get to you Pull yourself up If it is others making you feel less than what you are that is because they can't handle your awesomeness Cut them loose Let them go Kick them out Do not let them over power you Get rid of all the negative Pull in the possitive Stay with those who build you up Stay with those who care Stay with those who love you Surround yourself with possitive Don't let the bad rule you
My best friend Tina(She is awesome)
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I admire my best friend Tina. She is an awesome mom, meme, and friend. She has always been there for me. Even if she doesn’t have it to give she is a very giving person. She’s had some rough times and I do my best that I can. We have had our fights and we always find our way back to each other. It makes my day when I get to talk to her. She listens. We laugh. Not ever a dull moment. I’m very proud of her. She is one of a kind. I’m lucky to have her as my friend. I would trade her for the world. Thanks for always being there for me. I love you very much. I always wish you the best of happiness and everything.
Go Check out BK Irish
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Hey y'all this is BK Irish trying to get themselves and their books out into the world. They are a brand new Indie Writer and are trying to find great friends and more!!! Check out their pages and like them please!!!
3 poems in the Ups and Downs in Life
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You point the finger When you should Point the finger at Yourself rather than at me You make it out like it was All me when it wasn't at all You wear a mask It doesn't ever come off It's like you don't want People to see the real you It's like you don't want them To get close enough to See what you're really like You don't ever take the mask off It's like you're afraid of people To see the real you so you Cover the real you with a mask We part our ways In the end we agreed We'd be better off friends You made things confusing I knew things weren't going To ever be the same, but you Kept trying to complicate Things when they didn't have to be
3 poems from my kids poetry book Reaching Out
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“Need Help” Tell your teacher You need help When you need help They can’t help you If you don’t ever ask Speak up and let Them know that You need the Help that you need “Don’t want to Miss Recess” Keep those hands To yourself you Don’t want to Miss recess Keep your feet To yourself you Know you don’t Want to miss Out on recess Keep all objects To yourself you Know you don’t Want to miss Out on recess So keep in mind If you’re not good You’ll miss out On all that fun When everyone Else gets to Go out at recess “Don’t hurt anyone” No kicking you’ll Make someone cry If you kick them You don’t want Them to cry do you No hitting you’ll make Someone cry if you do You don’t want them To cry do you Don’t throw those rocks Or those wood chips You could hurt some...
3 poems from my poetry book Mirror of Life
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Just because others say you can't do it Don't stop doing it It's your dream Don't let them crash it They have a dream that they wouldn't want shattered There will always be those who try to stomp into the ground You give them power when you do that Don't give them power It's your dream Who cares what they think You're the one who has to live with you at the end of the day Does it really matter what they think So what if they laugh All great people are made fun of and laughed at Look at where they are now because people said they couldn't do it Look at what they did because people said they wouldn't cut it They made a splash in this world They are the ones who are looked at in awe They are the ones people want to be now They're the ones who got up and shook it off When the world was against them, they still kept going That's why dreams ca...
The Archer Excerpt by Tony Spencer.
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Check this out and read it. “The Archer” extract from ASIN B00V2BNVES It is a couple of minutes after I soap myself all over, the room growing dim in the early evening behind the bath curtain, despite the large glazed windows I espied earlier on two sides of the room, one to the street out front, the other towards the church atop the hill. I relax into the warm water and close my eyes. I open just one eye as another jug of hot water is quietly poured into the bath from behind my head, to maintain the comfortable tub temperature. It must be the deaf and dumb old servant, come to minister to my aches and pains. Then, surprisingly soft hands for such an old servant, begin to massage soap into my head, neck and shoulders, smoothing out the apprehensions, aches and pains that have built up during the long day on the road. I close both my eyes again and relax, giving myself up to the servant’s expert ministrations. Tomorrow, yes tomorrow I can confront Alwen and bluff...
Featured Author Regina Partap
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Go check out Regina Partap's interview. See why she likes to write, check out her books, and a little bit of information about herself. Name: Regina Partap Pen Names: Gina Moray and Regina Morris Location: Chattanooga, TN How long have you been writing? I have been writing for a little over 10 months. I am still very green, but tenacious and determined. I will get a Bram Stoker Award, I will. How many books have you wrote? I have completed the first book in my children’s series, “The Adventures of Kerchoo,” and it’s with the illustrator now. I have several short stories completed and numerous flash fiction. What genre of books do you write? I write primarily in Horror and Children’s Fiction, although I do have a few Fantasy, Sci Fi, and Contemporary Lit pieces in various stages of development. I even get around to a dark poem or two every now and then. Who or what inspires you to write? Well it is different for my tw...