Being a college student

Being a student isn't the easiest job when you go back to school when you wait. My first semester or second semester were my hardest. I was taking twelve hours. At that time I thought I wanted my associates degree in networking. I didn't make very good grades and started feeling a lot of pain in my arm and wrist that semester. After that semester I decided to switch degree plans and am currently going for my technical certificate in photography. I love photography and have learned a lot of new things. It has been less stressful now that I'm taking less hours and doing what I enjoy doing. One smart decision I've made is not taking loans. I know some can't avoid it but with me I've lucked out. I've pulled financial aid and gotten grants. Haven't had much luck with the single parent scholarship except once and that's okay.I'm hanging in there because I want this for me. My kids are proud of me. Before I started to college I received my GED the year before. I know I can do anything I set my mind to. I work hard at keeping my grades up. I ask for help when I need help and try to be in class every day. I haven't missed very much even when I was sick because I'm determined. When you have a dream don't give up on it and quit. Work hard and keep your head up. I know I've got this. I only have two classes I need after this semester. I'm also working on my portfolio so people can see my work. I know in time all will fall into place.


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