Dreams and Goals (Need Help)

I have many big dreams. I don't dream small. I work towards my dreams and goals. I have been working hard on these books and plan to one day have over a million likes on this page with lots of likes, shares, and comments. I don't pay anything to do what I do and that is why it takes time to get more likes out. I promote through blogs, twitter, here, and many other places. My other goal is to one day have sold over a million books. That would be awesome. I need all of your help to accomplish this. My main goal in life is to be the best mom to my kids. Sometimes I do not do the best and make up for it. When I make bad decisions I talk to my kids about my bad decisions that way they know it is not okay to do those things. I am not perfect by any means. No one is perfect. I went back to school because of my kids to better myself. I am working towards being a better photographer. I also need help with that dream from my local friends in Hot Springs,Arkansas. I one day would like to own my own studio. I know I can do this with hard work and determination. I made an A and 2 B's my last semester. I worked very hard. I am going to work harder this semester as well. I should be done with school in 2016. I have been building my portfolio with my pictures. With my writing I share with you that is my portfolio. The more you share the more people see. I am trying to make a name for myself. I am doing this for myself as well as my kids. I need every ones help to get the word across the world. Lets see how far we can get my page across to everyone. I am a single parent just trying to survive. Everyone in this world is trying to survive. Please share my page and my books with everyone. Thanks a lot.https://www.facebook.com/AmyStarksBookPage


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