Don't let others make you feel less

 Don't let others walk all over you. If you let them walk all over you they will continue to do so. Don't bend over backwards trying to please everyone and make everyone happy. That is not your job. Your energy will end up depleted and you'll be left wondering why you feel exhausted all of the time. It is their job to make themselves happy as it is your own to make you happy.  Yes, it is okay to listen and it's okay if you vent back and forth. It is not okay when they don't listen to you.  It is not okay if they don't ask you if you can handle listening to what they have going on. Emotional dumping is not okay. It is okay to set boundaries.  It is okay to tell people no. It is okay to ask for help. It is not okay for people to treat you bad. It is not okay for people to gaslight you. It is not okay for people to make you feel less than what you are.  You are allowed to feel what you want. Your feelings are valid. It is not okay to keep excusing bad behavior.  Mental and physical abuse are not okay. You're allowed to tell people no, cut people out with no explanation, not talk to people, and more. We are our own worst enemy without needing people to make it worse.  Do what is right for you and not others. Stand up for you, set boundaries,  use your voice, block people if you have to do that.  People who use you,  manipulate, prey on you, abuse you, etc do not love you or care about you.  They are preying on you while you're going through something.  These sick people are miserable and want you to be as miserable as them. They feed off negative energy.  Do what is best for your well being. 


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