Be there for loved ones

 Sometimes people say they'll be there yet they aren't there. Tell you that they will help and expect something in return or not even there. Got ones that are there when it's convenient for them.  Sometimes you check up on people and they don't check up on you. Phone works both ways. Coming to see each other works both ways. People need to stop with the excuses. I understand life gets busy and things happen.  That doesn't mean you can't take 2 minutes out of your day to ask family and friends if they are okay or tell them you love or care about them. Life isn't promised to us. Have them BBQ 's, picnic,  go out to bowl, play games, sleep overs, movie nights,or whatever.  Make time for each other. Help one another.  Support each other.  Build each other up. Don't have expectations.  Don't expect things in return.  Be an ear to listen.  Show up or be there when it counts. Tell them you love and miss them. People aren't mind readers.  If you are busy just text saying I have life stuff going on or that you don't want to see or talk right now.  Many think they are a burden or bothering people when they aren't yet people make them feel that way.


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