
 There is a right way and wrong way to give constructive criticism.  It is all in the way it's delivered and much more.  If you are picking away at someone that is not the right way.  There is no need to destroy someone.  You can do it in a way that doesn't come off as rude or abrasive.  Also make sure the person might be in the right head space because they might be going through something and it may do harm than good. I am going to list examples of what not to do and maybe the other way you could be helpful rather than destroying a person.  

Example- Your book is so bad and your grammar is horrible so I won't ever read your work again.  (Don't say that. Maybe say, You might want to take a look into your grammar errors and due to that it did or didn't take away from the story plot. Or if it is bad say something like this book just wasn't something I cared for.)

Example- Your music sounds like garbage and your sound is killing my ears. ( You could say something more like your vocals sound off, it needs a tune up, maybe a different beat.)

You can help be supportive and critique people without having to dig them a hole to jump into. It's up to them on whether they change it of not. Not everyone can handle criticism.  You can do it without making them feel less. Sometimes words impact others more than you think.


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