One thing I have noticed for Sr. High students is that it is rough for them. They have so much on their plate. You have parents who have expectations and then the teachers, coaches, school guidance councilors. It piles up. They expect good grades, you to do well at sports, pick a college, do ACT tests, and the list goes on. As a parent I have been guilty of the expectations thing and then realized it is to much. We ask to much of our kids. Let them be kids. Even us adults didn't know what we wanted to do after high school let alone college if you went to college. Stop putting so much pressure. It is okay to let them fail or make their own choices and decisions. It is okay for them to not go to college. It is okay if they want to choose a trade. It is okay if they want to do a grunt job. Let them have fun. Stop trying to live through your kids. If they don't want to play sports or be in band or whatever extra activity then don't make them. Ask them what they want to do. A l...