Sometimes you just have to cut people out of your life

Some people from the past try to add me back to social media and act like a friend. I have recently started deleting and ignoring those requests. Some people don't change. The past is the past and I am not the same girl they used to know. I've done a lot of reflecting. I  cut people out for being negative, toxic, who mentally abused me, or worse.  I am not going to be there for people who say they care about me and don't make an effort to text,call, or see me. I am done with people's excuses.  So many fake caring fake loving people in this world.  They think that the world revolves around them.  I know that it doesn't revolve around me.  I know people talk about me and I don't care because that is a reflection of them not me. It's okay to cut people out of your life with no explanation.  


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