Something for those of you who have been abused

 I try to use my past experiences in life or observations of other people's lives to get people to understand things. That it isn't okay for people to talk to down to you, be ugly to you,hateful,negative, toxic, or abusive. I want people to wake up and see the light. Get out of the dark. You deserve better. You deserve love. Deserve happiness.  Not someone controlling you, making you feel less,  hitting,  raping, or whatever bad thing. No one deserves abuse. Use your voice. Let your heal. Know it isn't your fault.  It is their fault.  They preyed on you. That isn't right. Good people don't abuse other people.  Get help. See a therapist. Talk to someone. Write in a journal.  Do what makes you happy.  Don't suppress it for the rest of your life. Suppressing it or shutting emotions off just makes it worse.  Find a way too cope. Walk, support group, aromatherapy, music,  meditation, or whatever helps you.  Just know you trying is your best. Know that you aren't what your abusers say about you. Keep trying.  Give yourself time to heal.  There is no limit on healing.  You deserve the best. 


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