Dark world and spreading light

 The world has become a very dark place which is truly sad. So much bad going on in the world and it just keeps getting worse. You have wars, inflation, recession, women being told what to do with their bodies, people who can't find jobs, homeless people, and much more.  It's horrible that it has come to this. People need to learn from history and stop making past mistakes yet they keep doing it over and over again.  Wars don't solve anything.  People die and lose their homes. We all bleed red. We are all human beings who make mistakes. Stop being greedy and power hungry. Learn how to better yourselves people.  Raising the price of living to make people struggle more is creating more problems and not solutions.  No, person should be able to tell a woman to do with their body. Nobody should be able to tell anyone what to do with their body.  There are ways to change the world. It starts by people using their voices, learning from past mistakes, setting up new programs that could benefit the world,and so much more. We have to start with ourselves by bettering ourselves to become better people. There are so many small businesses and local businesses. Support those people. If you don't know something educate yourself.  No one should have so much control to tell anyone what they can do with their body because that is wrong on many levels and sickening. It is like you are saying okay let people prey on people and if they get raped that it's okay when it is not okay. By not giving a woman the choice to have an abortion now her predator has access to her and a baby if they find out. Not only does she have the trauma she has to possibly be terrified for the rest of her life. I'm not saying I am for or against abortion but there are certain circumstances that people should think about. What if it's killing the mom or the baby? Did anyone think of that? Anyway enough about that. I think there should be more homeless shelters everywhere and if you have a job you pay a little but if not I think they could do a soup kitchen and people volunteer and people clean.  I think also have an area where people worked with then to find jobs and do resumes.  I think some of the big chain stores so many times a month a year across the world to the places or people who need food or supplies could donate it across the world. It could be food,clothes, over the counter medicine,and other needs. They could write it off on their taxes. For schools they could donate school supplies, laptops, and other things so teachers weren't having to pay out of pocket. Those are just some thoughts and ideas. Just because the world is a dark place now don't give up on a better world. Don't give up hope people. Sending you all positive and light vibes through these trying times.


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