Deserve the best

 Trying to find man or wait patiently on one to find me is sometimes easier said than done. For the past year and going on 7 months I have been single by choice well part choice. I needed time to heal from past relationships.  I know that all men aren't the same and that they aren't going to all treat me like my exes did. I had some pretty toxic relationships.  Sometimes I thought I could fix them and realized they have want to help themselves.  Some of them dumped me and others I walked away from.  I dealt with emotional abuse from some not all. Some were okay men. There were times I thought I knew what I wanted and didn't know at all. I know there are good men left.  I don't give up hope. I have been working on bettering myself which is important.  I want someone who will accept me for me and love me. Someone who isn't just there for the good but also there for the bad. Doesn't judge my past.  I know I deserve the best as well as well as everyone else. 


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