Being your best self
Talking badly about yourself isn't okay. It is not acceptable to constantly tear yourself down. We are all guilty of this. We need to learn to stop. It isn't easy. I am very guilty of this. I have a bad habit of thinking I am not good enough even though I know I am. We are all good enough. Have a bad habit of thinking I am a burden. I know in reality I am not. Sometimes feel like I am ugly or bad things about myself. Some of it stems from people who said they would always be there and aren't there or the ones who aren't very supportive. I have had many over the years bully me and much worse. They would call me lazy, fat, said I couldn't do it or wouldn't do it, that I wouldn't amount to anything,that nobody would want me, call me crazy, and the list goes on. I started believing what they said about me and then one day learnt that is a reflection of themselves not me. I am still slowly learning to love me. Over the years I have learnt that sometimes you have to cut people out of your life. You have to teach people that you have boundaries and they can respect them or get out of your life. It is about not letting people run you over. It is okay to say no. It is okay to tell people when they are disrespecting you. Stand up for yourself. Try not to be so hard on yourself. We all make mistakes and it's about learning to better ourselves. What matters is what you think of you not others because you have to live with it at the end of the day. Give yourself time to heal. Focus on being your best you for you.
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