Spread love and light to all
Spread the love and light to all around you. Everyone across the world needs love and light. The struggles in life for people are real every day problems. They might trying to self medicate or not even want to live anymore. Maybe you ca make a difference in their life. If they don't want to change for them take a step back. Don't enable them. They have to want to change for them. Sometimes smiling at someone can make their day. Telling people to have a wonderful day goes a long way. Listen to others when they need someone to listen. Be kind to others. Even the people are being ugly be kind. It is a reflection of themselves. We don't have to stoop to the level of the ones who talk badly about us. We are not in control of others and what they say. They are entitled to their opinion of us just as we are of them. None of us are perfect. We are all trying to live day by day trying to survive and it isn't always easy. We are our own worst enemies without needing help.Just be the best you. Spreading love and light to all will help us all.
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