
Showing posts from January, 2021


 Have a wonderful weekend everyone!! Hope that you do everything you want to do this weekend. Relax and have fun.

Figuring new strategy

 Right now I am currently thinks of new sells strategies to sell books. I want people to read them and for it to one day any of my books to be a best seller.  I have published 21 books.  It is going to take hard work and I am not giving up  

Goal not accomplished

 Yesterday was my birthday and I wanted to sell 100 books by my birthday. I didn't reach my goal nor was I close to it. Not giving up. 

My birthday

 Today was my birthday and it was awesome.

Parenting and love

 Being a parent is about loving and putting that child before you.  You still have to take care of yourself so you can take care of them. It is about learning patience and lots of it. It is about forming a bond with your child and letting them know that even though the world is hard, ugly, and nasty  that they have a safe place and that unconditional love.  It is about learning to shut up and listen to our kids because sometimes we don't truly listen and just hear them. It is about turning off TV, phones, and video games to have quality time.  It is about listening about there day. It is about the small things.  It is about giving them a happy childhood. Let your kids believe in make believe.  It isn't hurting you or anyone.  Let them be their own individual. Give them that choice.  Educate them on their world around them and not let them have to hear it from everyone else.  Build them up. Set rules,  boundaries,  and disciplin...

Don't give up on dreams and goals

 When it comes to our dreams and goals we shouldn't ever give up.  When you have people who aren't supportive of your dreams and goals then it is possible you may need to cut them out of your life.  If they are saying negative or being negative about your dreams and goals it is time to set those people free. Just work on your dreams and goals at your own pace. If you fail don't give up. Sometimes we have to go back and reevaluate.  Just keep trying no matter what if that is your dreams and goals.  Don't give up. It can be discouraging and hard at times.  There are times you have tried everything and still keep spinning wheels to see what you can do differently. Hang in there. There is hope.

Kids are a wondeful gift

 Kids are the most wonderful gifts. They can make you take a look at life to see what you are missing. It can make you see that sometimes you are way to serious. Makes you look at life a lot more different. It makes you realize the quality time is more important than quantity. That communication is important. They teach us many things.

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5

 In this chapter I have been creating new places and it has been so fun designing these places and I hope that it brings it to life for you when I am finished and you get to read it. Getting closer to finishing this Chapter and starting the next chapter.

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5 Update

 Alexis is going through a lot at the moment. She is an independent woman who doesn't like having people help her much and is having to swallow that she has to accept help and delegate responsibility. She is learning that sometimes you need help and that it is okay.

Choose battles with kids

 As a parent you have to learn when to choose battles. It isn't always easy to know is that the battle to keep dealing with or not at times. It is always about giving them choices yet not letting them run you over in the process.   It is about learning patience also. Sometimes  you will lose the battle. If it seems like you are getting angry walk away and come back when you are calm. Yelling doesn't solve the problem.  Don't let it escalate.  Sometimes we need time to reevaluate and come back to it.

Birthday Goal/Wish

  Please check out my books. These links direct you to my books. Please share to help me reach my birthday goal by selling 100 copies of books. So far I have sold 1 book. There is 5 days until my birthday.  My books are on Kindle and paperback on Amazon.  This is a big goal that I want yo accomplish and can't do it without you.  My books range from science fiction/fantasy,  romance,  and poetry.

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5 Update.

 I lost 2 chapters of my book and am having to rewrite it and it is going a different direction in some ways. Alexis is on new adventures and figuring out new things in life. There are days she is strong and other days she feels like she is going to fall a part.

Just be the best parent you can be

 Even when you think you are being a bad parent who's failing it doesn't mean that you are failing. There is no manual on raising kids and even the manuals out there doesn't always help. There are going to be up and down days. Just keep doing the best that you can do. Just be there for your kids, spend quality time with them, and build them up the best that you can. Just keep doing the best that you can do. Don't give up hope.

Sometimes you have to be the parent not the friend

 Sometimes as a parent you have to be the parent and not the friend. Always be the parent first. It isn't about being the cool parent even if you want to be. If you always act like the friend they will walk all over you. They will think it is okay not to do things or disrespect you.  That is not okay. Do not let them think it is okay. Set boundaries and rules.  Make them follow them. Yes, you may have to discipline them. Don't feel bad for doing so. Don't always give in to their every want because it becomes easy to do and they think they can get away with it. You are preparing them for life. When they aren't doing right tell.  Tell them when they are doing good also. We need to stop rewarding bad behavior.

Make time to text or call others first

 It isn't okay to expect your friends to always call or text you first. Just like it is not okay for you to expect them just to come to your house all of the time. The phone works both ways just as transportation does. Stop making excuses of not texting your friends to check up on them or call them. Stop making excuses not to go see them. It isn't fair for them to have to always call or text first or come see you first. Start making time for those you truly care about because they might not truly think you care if you don't really make an effort. It does hurt to always be the one checking on everyone and them not return the favor. The world doesn't revolve around you people. If they make the time to check up on you and you leave them on read most of the time is just as bad. Make time to check up on people who check up on you. One day they'll have enough and you won't ever hear from them ever again because they don't think you care.

Dating isn't easy

 When it comes to dating you would think it is easy to find a date. Sometimes it feels like most don't want to date much anymore. I haven't been on many dates because we usually skipped that part and went straight to relationship which didn't end up turning out to well. Maybe if I would have dated them and had them take me on dates to get to know them maybe I would have saved myself so much trouble. I have been wondering where to look. Some say a bar. When I think of a bar it makes me wonder is this one going to be an alcoholic or worse. The other thought is are they just there for a hook up. I've been told online dating and I tried that a long time ago and kept find people who just wanted to hook up it seems like. If I was looking for a hook up that would be different. I am not looking for a hook up. I'm so unsure where to start when it comes to dating. I want someone to go out with and have a soda to talk or even dinner to talk. When it comes to a movie you can...

Health update

 I went to the dietitian recently. They said I need to lose 100 lbs. Only 2 to 4lbs a week. Decrease calorie intake to 1600 calories a day. Said I should walk 8 minutes 5 days a week. Told me I should try to have a better sleep schedule. Said I can have as many fruits and vegetables I want. Told me to increase my vegetable increase to 5 vegetables a day. Told me to cut down on sugar intake and not have it if I can avoid it. Told me to not eat wheat anything but if I do limit it to once a week or once a month. Told me to decrease my cheese intake. They told me to cut back on oil. Told me I can have protein shakes if I skip a meal. That was a lot to swallow and process that day. I am going to have to start making little changes that way it will work.  It is not going to be easy.  The hardest one is going to be when I chose to change my sleeping habits.  I will be doing this for me and no one else. I f people are negative or hateful about it in any way they will ...

Help me reach my birthday goal

 Help me reach that goal. Without any of you, I can't achieve those goals. Thanks for the ones of you who support me by reading my blogs, leaving comments,  sharing my books,  sharing my work, leaving book reviews, and much more.  I need all of you to help me to reach my goal of selling 100 books for my birthday.  I know it may be asking for a lot, but it has been a dream and goal of mine for quiet some time.  Please help me get it out to the world. You can do that by sharing the links of my books with people who like to read. Every little bit helps. So far I have not sold one book this month. I am not giving up hope that 100 will sell by January 27th for my birthday wish. Please make this birthday wish come true.

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5

 Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5 is coming along nicely.  Alexis is figuring out things in her life after a major tragedy and new things going on in her life.  She is figuring out who to make amends with or cut out of her life for good.

Be appreciative of others

 As people we tend to not be appreciative.  We don't thank others as often as we should.  We aren't there for them the way they deserve. We are ungrateful.  Don't say you haven't ever been.  We are all guilty of this. Take time and change that. Be thankful all year long for what you have along with the people in your lives. Show them how you appreciate all they do for you. 

Deserve the best

 Sometimes because I feel that I deserve less because of the things that people have said or the ways they have treated me over the years.  I know that is not true though.  Sometimes I have to remind myself that I do deserve the best and I am not what they say. There are times I have to reevaluate my thinking.  I can't let my past control me. Can't let it define who I am now. No matter what people say I know that I deserve good. 

Book sell goals

  Hello everybody. I need your help to accomplish this goal. My goal is sell 100 books by January 27th which is my birthday.  Please help me by sharing all of my books. Thank you.

Be the best you

 A lot of people do New Years Resolutions every year as for me I don't make them. Every year I just work on dreams and goals. I am about bettering myself every day. There are days I don't work as hard as I should to accomplish those dreams and goals. There is no need for unrealistic goals that you aren't going to work on or even try. Set small ones and keep trying. Don't give up. Sometimes we need to motivate ourselves better than what we do. We need to learn to be our own cheerleaders for our lives. Pat yourself on the back and hug yourself when doing good. Tell yourself that you are doing good. Celebrate those small victories. It is okay to be proud of yourself for making an effort and doing well in your life. Just keep being the best you.

Happy New Year's