Raising teenagers

When raising teenagers it isn't the easiest thing in the world and sometimes you remember the things you have done and think yes this is so my payback in some ways. That means you have a little insight into what your teenagers might do and maybe how to handle it different. Teenagers are constantly trying to pull things. Example not getting out of bed in the mornings. If they aren't getting out of bed for school when it is time to get up it is possible that technology might need to be taken away or that they need to go to bed earlier because they are going through a lot of emotional stuff. When it comes to high school teenagers deal with not knowing where they fit in with their peers, peer pressure, what their peers think is acceptable verse what is actually acceptable, spending to much time on social media and that is an outlet for a lot of bad behavior to risky behavior to bullying, and much more. They want to feel accepted and loved. You need to sit down and talk to your teen about what is acceptable and not acceptable. Keep your eyes and ears open. Monitor their social media because it might not be right. IF they say you don't need their password they don't need social media because YOU are the parent not the other way around. Be a PARENT not the FRIEND. They need a parent. Don't think that your teen isn't watching or doing things you haven't done before or haven't done because it can happen. Not all teens will tell you they are going to commit suicide and it happens because lack of communication and paying attention. Talk to your child after school every day. Ask them how there day was going. Let them vent and gripe about their day. It is okay if they tell you they hate you because that means you are doing your job right. Ask what they are learning in school and about their friends that they hang out with. It is normal for them to say that it is none of your business and leave me alone. Ask anyway and keep asking. Tell them you love them. Spend quality time watching movies, going to their games, playing games, going to the mall, and things they are interested in at that time. No we might not be cool to them forever and that's okay.
Give them chores and responsibility. Take things away from them and show them that it is not acceptable to be disrespectful or a punk. Set limits and boundaries. Teach them to respect their peers and manners. Keep on top of it so they will become well adjusted adults. You can help fix a teen and get them the help they need now. Do it now and don't wait until it is to late.


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