Anti Bullying
There are times when some can't tell they are being bullied and it's sad really because they don't say anything because they want to believe these people are there friend when they are truly not. It is not okay to intimidate people. It is not okay to video people who are being bullied and posting it to social media. That is sickening and wrong. If you are seeing someone who doesn't stand up for themselves being bullied help stand up for them. Some kids and teen or even adults don't know how to use their voice or they might have a mental impairment so they don't really understand what is truly going on around them.Stand up to bullies. Tell them to back off. Tell them to leave you alone or your friend alone. It is not okay to stand by and not do anything about it. You are no better than that bully if you just keep sweeping it under the rug and allowing it to happen. It is not nice to make fun people. Not nice to call people names. Not nice to tear people down or shame people. This is not just a form of bullying. IT is emotionally abusive. It messes with people's self-esteem. They sometimes blame themselves, think something is wrong with them, and don't feel like they fit in anywhere. It makes it to where they don't want friends, don't trust people, anger, sadness, isolation, and possible suicide. How would you feel knowing that you might be the cause of someone committing suicide? Think about that. Words hurt as well as being beat up. Either which way think before you speak and think before you act. You need to learn to be kind to other people because you aren't the only human being in this world. You need to learn to build people up rather than tear them down. Guess what the reason why you act the way you do is because you want to be popular and guess what being a horrible human being doesn't make you popular it just means that you are a horrible human being. You do this because you have no self-esteem and have to tear others down to make yourself feel better guess what that isn't the way to go about it because when you grow up you will end up miserable and alone because no one will want to be around you. If you see someone post something on social media that shames someone or bullies report those people because that is just as bad as doing it in person and the sad thing about online bullying is that it can go viral which can be scarier than you think.
When it comes to bullying stand up for kids and adults alike. Nobody has the right to be bullied. No one has the right to make someone feel less than a human. We are our own worst enemy without needing any help. It can cause depression and worse things. Think about those things.
Spread the word about why bullying is such a horrible thing that doesn't seem to be getting better. We need to educate students, parents, and adults. Every place across the world needs to spread why bullying is like a virus that spreads. It is like hate that spreads. It isn't right nor is it acceptable. People are making it out like it is acceptable to trash and bully other human beings. They are spreading the hate. Put a stop to it. Spread the love not bullying and hate. Let this message sink into your head as you read this and share it with family and friends. Let's make this message go viral so people know that it isn't acceptable.
When it comes to bullying stand up for kids and adults alike. Nobody has the right to be bullied. No one has the right to make someone feel less than a human. We are our own worst enemy without needing any help. It can cause depression and worse things. Think about those things.
Spread the word about why bullying is such a horrible thing that doesn't seem to be getting better. We need to educate students, parents, and adults. Every place across the world needs to spread why bullying is like a virus that spreads. It is like hate that spreads. It isn't right nor is it acceptable. People are making it out like it is acceptable to trash and bully other human beings. They are spreading the hate. Put a stop to it. Spread the love not bullying and hate. Let this message sink into your head as you read this and share it with family and friends. Let's make this message go viral so people know that it isn't acceptable.
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