Day after Christmas
Yesterday was a busy day on Christmas. I am like a kid around this time of year and worse than my kids at times when it comes to what time we do presents. With me I usually wake them anywhere for 1 AM to 2AM. This year it was about 2 AM when I woke them up. While they open gift I take lots of pictures because that is something I enjoy doing. Being the kid of a photographer can drive them batty at times, but they understand it. They know I am doing it to remember our memories together. We did all end up going back to bed for maybe eight hours of sleep but I think it was less than that. That afternoon was spent with my sister, brother -n- law, and nieces. My boys and I opened their gifts and my nieces opened the ones from us. I had already made them peanut butter cookies over the weekend that had already been given to them as part of a gift. When we were done there we had went to my dads to cook Christmas dinner. My boys would run back and forth to my house to get certain things they wanted and would disappear for an hour or two to find out they had been playing video games while I cooked. My dad was napping while I cooked most of it. We ate dinner with just my dad. Not that we didn't try to include my sister, brother -n- law and nieces but they had other plans at home. My oldest went to their house after dinner to watch a game with his uncle and youngest and I went home and could barely keep eyes open to watch movies or TV. We had a Merry Christmas and were very blessed in more ways than I can count. It isn't about the lights, tree, presents under the tree. It is about pulling together and much more. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas.
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