
Showing posts from August, 2024

Help support me

 Want to help support me buy one of my books on Kindle or on Amazon in paperback.  .99 cents on Kindle.  Another way to help support is share this with family and friends. You might have family or friends who like to read. They can also share it.

Self care

 Self care is important for you.  Taking care of you for you is important.  You won't have energy if you spread yourself thin and take care of everyone else but you.  It is not selfish.  Whoever tells you that is lying.  Stop listening to those people.  Do things like take a relaxing bath or shower.  Sit outside.  Take deep breaths. Be lazy for the day if you choose to be. The chores aren't running away and will be back when you decide to do them. Read that book, buy that outfit,  do your hair the way you want,  eat your favorite foods, watch shows or movies, or treat yourself to nice things. Do stuff that relaxes you. Give yourself time to breathe because sometimes life is full of stress and struggles. Take a deep breath and exhale the bs in your life. Make time for you.  Tell people during you time that you cannot be disturbed. If you have kids you might have to wait until they are at school or asleep.  For you parents o...

Be there for loved ones

 Sometimes people say they'll be there yet they aren't there. Tell you that they will help and expect something in return or not even there. Got ones that are there when it's convenient for them.  Sometimes you check up on people and they don't check up on you. Phone works both ways. Coming to see each other works both ways. People need to stop with the excuses. I understand life gets busy and things happen.  That doesn't mean you can't take 2 minutes out of your day to ask family and friends if they are okay or tell them you love or care about them. Life isn't promised to us. Have them BBQ 's, picnic,  go out to bowl, play games, sleep overs, movie nights,or whatever.  Make time for each other. Help one another.  Support each other.  Build each other up. Don't have expectations.  Don't expect things in return.  Be an ear to listen.  Show up or be there when it counts. Tell them you love and miss them. People aren't mind readers.  I...


 There is a right way and wrong way to give constructive criticism.  It is all in the way it's delivered and much more.  If you are picking away at someone that is not the right way.  There is no need to destroy someone.  You can do it in a way that doesn't come off as rude or abrasive.  Also make sure the person might be in the right head space because they might be going through something and it may do harm than good. I am going to list examples of what not to do and maybe the other way you could be helpful rather than destroying a person.   Example- Your book is so bad and your grammar is horrible so I won't ever read your work again.  (Don't say that. Maybe say, You might want to take a look into your grammar errors and due to that it did or didn't take away from the story plot. Or if it is bad say something like this book just wasn't something I cared for.) Example- Your music sounds like garbage and your sound is killing my ears. ( You ...

Work towards dreams and goals

 When working on your dreams and goals put it into effect. Make small goals to work towards it. Put yourself out there. Do what works for you. It isn't going to work if you aren't trying.  Just keep trying and try again even if you fail. Let others help you if you need help. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Small things may happen until you get the results you want. You can make it a reality with small goals and hard work. If you don't try or do anything them it will always be the same. If you fail it isn't the end. Yes, it might be hard. The only person standing in the way of your success is you. You can do it if you choose to do it. Have some hope and faith in yourself that you can accomplish your dreams and goals.

Don't let others make you feel less

 Don't let others walk all over you. If you let them walk all over you they will continue to do so. Don't bend over backwards trying to please everyone and make everyone happy. That is not your job. Your energy will end up depleted and you'll be left wondering why you feel exhausted all of the time. It is their job to make themselves happy as it is your own to make you happy.  Yes, it is okay to listen and it's okay if you vent back and forth. It is not okay when they don't listen to you.  It is not okay if they don't ask you if you can handle listening to what they have going on. Emotional dumping is not okay. It is okay to set boundaries.  It is okay to tell people no. It is okay to ask for help. It is not okay for people to treat you bad. It is not okay for people to gaslight you. It is not okay for people to make you feel less than what you are.  You are allowed to feel what you want. Your feelings are valid. It is not okay to keep excusing bad behavior....

Do what makes you happy

 Do what makes you happy in your life. Don't rely on others for your happiness it is not their job to make you happy.  If you don't like something work on it, set goals, and keep trying.  It is okay to fail. Try again.  Work on self care. Take care of your mental and physical health.  Take naps. Read books. Listen to music.  Sit outside for 30 minutes a day. Relax in a bath or shower. Eat the food you like. Cut people who don't care about you or love you. Cut people out who aren't supportive.  Surround yourself with people who want to talk to you, call you, text you, and make time for you. Ones who actually do ask how you are doing and check up on you. You're not to old to go back to school,  get that job, write that book, write that music, create new things, or to learn new things. Change be scary but sometimes it is necessary so we can grow and not stay stuck. Do small things to work your way up. Believe in yourself and give yourself a chance. D...

Secrets of the Ancient Family Volume 3 update

 I am currently working on Volume 3 of Secrets of the Ancient Family.  I lost about 80 pages of work and over 5 Chapters worth of work. It won't be the same story plot. That is okay though. I will keep you updated.  I just started Chapter 2. It is coming along nicely. 

Happy August

 Have a wonderful August.  May all your dreams and goals come true.