Stop giving negative people on social media attention

 There is so much negative stuff in social media that it gets so ridiculous. Stop giving these people so much attention. They thrive on it. You are making them more famous. It is disgusting. They are human beings. It is down right toxic. Stop spreading hate and negativity. You are enabling these people. Quit it. You are feeding some of their egos. It's like you are patting them on the back and saying this is okay. It is like you are saying this is acceptable behavior. It is not acceptable behavior. Stop being sheep. Quit feeding these people. You are spreading a virus on another level. This is what you call social normal and it isn't normal people. Stop trying to normalize these behaviors. Quit making it out like it is okay to be toxic. Stop making it out like it it okay to spread negativity like it's a virus. Start blocking the ones who are causing the problems. If people would ignore them and stop giving them so much attention imagine how they would act. Just think about that for a second. No one likes being ignored so their true colors would probably start showing. Stop giving them the attention they think they deserve. The world doesn't revolve around anyone and some of them think it does. Some of them need to be knocked down a peg or two. Open your eyes people. These people like to step on people. Some of them are mentally abusive or worse. The internet isn't always the safest place. People can be who they want to be. They can lie, use, cheat, abuse, scam, make up stories, be about drama, sob stories, and the list goes on. You don't always know who you are talking to. Sometimes people call you friend yet they aren't your friend at all. Some are as fake as fake can be. There are some who wear many types of masks. Some will prey on your vulnerable state. You have some that will call you names or tear you down because they find it funny. People can be so cruel. Be safe people. Stop spreading negativity and hate because it is like a virus that spreads.


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