
Showing posts from August, 2021

Be the best you online and offline

 Sometimes in life we get so caught up in the followers,fans, likes, and comments we get on social media.  We also sometimes lose a piece of ourselves. There are times that we give people a false illusion of who we truly are. It shouldn't be about the likes, comments,  fans,or followers.  We should stay true to ourselves.  We should take time out to truly get to know our fans and followers.  I have seen social media cause so much anxiety and depression because someone didn't have a lot of followers or fans, people like their posts,  people didn't comment on their posts,  or share them. You also have people who bully each other, talk badly about others, cancel others, don't respect others opinions,  don't support people equally, think the world revolves around them, and much more. It should be a way to come together not be divided.  A way to support each other in the business world. Ways for small businesses,artists, writers, authors,...

Everyone deserves quality friends

 You all deserve good quality friends.  People who are there through good and bad. Ones that won't leave you behind.  People who will drop everything to check on you or come see you.  People who make time for you.  Ones who actually show you that they love and care about you.  Ones that aren't going to sugar coat things but aren't cruel.  Ones that support your dreams and goals. People that respect your personal boundaries. Someone who listens. Can talk about anything and nothing.  To be silly with and not always serious. People you end up thinking that they are more like family and not just friends.  Your own tribe.

You all deserve happiness

For all of you out there in the world you deserve to be happy.  You deserve to be loved. You deserve to be accepted for who you are. Don't put others in charge of your happiness or you will be left disappointed.  Do the things that make you happy.  Yes, I know it is hard. A day at a time.  Learn to love all of you including the bad pieces.  Guess what you are the one in charge of changing it if that is what you want to do. If people try to stop you tell them to support your decisions or get out of your life.  Stop settling.  Set goals and chase dreams. Stop putting limitations to your best life.  You can do it.  You may need help a long the way.  Don't ever be ashamed to ask for help. You may need extra motivation.  Live life and keep trying.  Keep shining all you amazing beautiful people. 

Life in the world today and what needs to change

 So many people have become depressed and anxious over the past 2years with everything going on which is very understandable. Many of us have become very withdrawn from family and friends.  Much hate has been spread. People are acting more divided now than ever. It should be people working to make a difference and better world. The only way we can change that is starting with ourselves and bettering ourselves to set a better example for the world. Just because you don't agree with someone you can agree to disagree. You don't have to make them feel bad or stupid for the decisions that they make. Wake up people.  Start making better choices and decisions. Do it for you.  Get mental and physical help if you need it. Spend quality time with family, kids, and friends.  Make time. Stop making excuses.  They won't always be around. If you are worried about virus then hang out outdoors. Make time to text and call people. Don't always expect them to do it first....

People come and go

People come and go out of your life for many different reasons.  Sometimes we don't know the reason and sometimes we do. There are times many people come in and out of our lives. We don't always learn our lessons that they were put into our path to learn.  Sometimes we repeat that lesson over and over again because of our poor choices.  Sometimes it is we think we aren't good enough.  Other times it is we settle.  Then the thinking we can fix it or make them happy when they need to learn to fix themselves or want actual help. It is to learn to say no.  To learn personal boundaries.  Learn to communicate.  To form healthy relationships.  To cut toxic people out of our lives. To learn we deserve better than what we give ourselves credit for. That you can't expect people to feel or want the same things in life. To stop having expectations of people.  To learn to live, care, empathy,  and love with a whole heart. That not all will suppo...

Keep on trying

 When it comes to mental health sometimes you are to inside your own head. We think of the worst case scenarios. Think we aren't good enough.  Think we deserve the worst.  Wonder why does this keep happening to me. Feels like we are in a dark tunnel we can't escape.  Think what is wrong with me. Thoughts of am I crazy.  It is like a personal living hell. We have nightmares we can't escape. In reality we are good enough and deserve the best.  There is hope. All we can do is keep trying. 

Mental health

 When it comes to your mental health it is important to just keep trying.  It is okay to fail. It is okay to not be okay all the time. It is okay to not feel strong. It is not okay to talk bad about you. We all go through different struggles. People call us fat, skinny,  lazy, ugly, loser, you won't amount to anything,  and much more.  Those are the labels of society whether it be from family,  friends,  or significant others. You are not what they say negatively about you. Cut them out of your life if you have to.  Some people are like should I cut my family out? You can do that or speak up for yourself or put distance between you and them. Don't let others make you feel bad about your decisions. If you need help talk to friends or a therapist. Friends can only do so much. Don't give up hope.  Just keep trying your best to better you. What others say or think don't matter.  It is about learning to love you.  It is about healing....

Please help with my book dreams and goals

 Hello everybody.  I am Amy. I have been writing since I was 12yrs old. Started with just writing poetry.  Now I also write science fiction/fantasy along with romance. I have struggled with selling my books.  I don't ever give up hope though.  I know there are people out there that if they would give my books a chance they would love them as much as I love writing them. If you would please share this post with everyone you know that likes to read or even if they don't share it with them and let's see if everyone can share it because by doing so there might be people who would like to read them. You would be helping me with my goals and dreams. Some of my books are .99 cents on Kindle. My books are available in paperback on Amazon and Kindle eBooks. Please share with everyone you know.  Every little bit helps.  Here are the links to my books and where to buy them. https://...

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5

 Alexis has a lot going on in her life. Right now she wants to run away so badly. She has a lot of people depending on her so she is trying to break old patterns of the past. She's a survivor. 

Deserve the best

 Trying to find man or wait patiently on one to find me is sometimes easier said than done. For the past year and going on 7 months I have been single by choice well part choice. I needed time to heal from past relationships.  I know that all men aren't the same and that they aren't going to all treat me like my exes did. I had some pretty toxic relationships.  Sometimes I thought I could fix them and realized they have want to help themselves.  Some of them dumped me and others I walked away from.  I dealt with emotional abuse from some not all. Some were okay men. There were times I thought I knew what I wanted and didn't know at all. I know there are good men left.  I don't give up hope. I have been working on bettering myself which is important.  I want someone who will accept me for me and love me. Someone who isn't just there for the good but also there for the bad. Doesn't judge my past.  I know I deserve the best as well as well as everyon...