Stop the hate.

People are so full of hate which is down right sad. If someone doesn't think the same way they make them feel bad. Stop doing that. People are aloud to have a different opinion and you not hate them for it. It is okay to agree to disagree.  STOP HATING PEOPLE FOR BEING DIFFERENT THAN YOU.  You can dislike it or dislike their actions.  Hate takes to much energy. Stop being jealous and petty. You don't have to like the same things or have the same opinion as everyone else.  STOP SHAMING PEOPLE. Spread love and light.  STOP TEARING PEOPLE DOWN. Stop being ugly to people.  You have the choice to put a stop to hate. You're in control of you and no one else.  Use your words and you can do so in such a way that it doesn't have to come out hateful.  Be that light and shine for others. Set a better example for a better future. 


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