
Showing posts from July, 2020

Real friends

When you are going through tough times that is when you find out who your real friends are.  Real friends stick it out through the bad stuff not just the good. They don't make excuses on why they can't be there. Will text or call to make sure you are doing okay. Others won't do anything and don't make an effort. Then you have the ones who when they do talk to you it's like all you hear is me me me. The me me me people make you want to  roll your eyes into the back of your head. Then you have some who tell you how they think you should do it and it's like agh moments. Sometimes you just want people to shut up and listen. Real friends listen and make time for you. 

Thank you

Thank you to all who support me and stand by me. Without your support I wouldn't be making the progress I have made. Thanks for all the likes,shared, and comments. Thanks to the ones who have bought my books and left reviews. To those who have hired me to take pictures it means the world to me to capture those moments. For those of you who take time to read my blogs thanks a lot.  Special thanks to my boys who root their mom on in all that I do. Thanks to all my family and friends who listen and support me in life. You are all amazing.

Appreciate what you have

Yesterday was a bad and scary day. My boys were on our way to the lake to swim which we had planned on having fun. When we arrived at our location my car was smoking and shortly after that in flames.  It didn't blow up. The fire spread through my whole car like wild. My oldest son calls my dad to let him know and then proceeds to call 911. After that he warns people whose vehicles were nearby to come get it just in case of the fire spreading or in case of an explosion.  I cried so hard watching my car go up in smoke. We were very fortunate that all we lost was the car and what possessions we had inside. I'm not sure how I would have handled the situation had the car not done that after parking it. Something was definitely watching over my boys and me that day. I only had liability coverage so nothing could be done. It upset my boys and me a little about the car and possessions.  We are just happy that nothing happened to us. Am very appreciative to all who have wished us ...

You day

There are times when I feel so unmotivated. There are days I just want to give up. Sometimes you just have to take a  you day. Some think it is selfish to take a you day and it is not. You need these days to reevaluate what is important to you and to relax. Everyone needs destress time. On these days do things that relax you. Example of those things would be take a walk, listen to music, read,  movie, napping,  bubble bath,  fishing, swimming,  or whatever makes you happy. If I still feel unmotivated about it then it's possible that it's something that I don't enjoy doing. You make more of the effort if it is something you love doing. Other times you are unmotivated due to anxiety,  stress, depression, and many other things.  Taking a you day is important for your mental health even. We all need a moment to breathe and think.

Good day

Hope everyone is having a great day!! Do what makes you happy!! Much love!!

Close to Anniversary of my moms death

This month is typically a rough month for me. The reason why it's so rough was my mom was slowly dying. July 25th will be 22yrs ago since she passed.  That woman was one of a kind. Very kind, loving, good friend,  mom, and wife. Touched many lives with her kindness.  After she died a part of me did also. My mom always listened and was very supportive. I felt her love. She lived her life to the fullest. She fought until she took her dying breath. I was very close to my mom. I miss her every day. There are says I wish she was here to give me advice or a hug. Miss her cooking. I was only 15yrs old when she passed away. Her memory will live on through me and the ones she left behind.

Happy Birthday Gaz

Happy Birthday!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday!! May all your wishes come true!!

Happy Birthday Tina

I want to wish my best friend  a Happy Birthday!! Thanks for always being there for me!! Love you!! 


Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!! I got some writing done and went swimming with my kids. Hope you all have a good week ahead.

Update on Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5

Last night I worked a little on the back story of one of the new characters that has been around.  At first I just wasn't sure what kind of way I wanted this guys character to go or if he was going to stick around even. Will this become  the love ofAlexis' life or not? We shall see.

Working hard

I am working hard on my photography portfolio through a blog. Might need to ask people to volunteer to take pictures so I can use them in my portfolio. Also been trying to figure out how to end Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5. Have some ideas. This is going to be the longest book by far. I hope it doesn't bore people to bad in some areas.  When I am done working on it my next project is a book about fairies . I will keep you updated .

Good news to share

I've sold 6 books so far this week which is a great achievement for me. I am going to continue working hard so I can possibly sell more books. Thanks to all who are helping make my dreams and goals come true. It means a lot to me.

Good evening

Good evening beauties!! Hope you are having an amazing week this week.

Don't give up

When you feel like giving up don't do it. I know it's hard not to give up sometimes. If you really want something you work hard to accomplish it. I have failed many times. There are times I did give up and realized if I want it bad enough I have to put the work into it. It isn't going to happen overnight. Would be nice if it happened that way. Sometimes you just have to take a step back and reevaluate. If something doesn't work try something else. When you don't like what you are doing try something different.  I have had to pick myself up time and time again. Chase them dreams and goals. Don't forget the people who support you. They helped you get there a little bit. We can all achieve our dreams and goals if we work together.

My dream

I've been working hard towards my dreams.  Over the years I have failed and I don't give up.  I am working on trying to work on my marketing skills that will appeal to the people. I use videos,  pictures,  share my work, and much more. I think I need to focus on getting my following on all my social media up. I also am going to work on my writing more so I can share stuff with you all along with taking more pictures for my photography business. I might look into seeing if people will volunteer so I can share my work. These are some of my ideas to work towards my dreams and goals .

Cutting people out of life

Sometimes you don't want to cut people out of your life and you have to do it. There are people who aren't really there for you.  They cause you more stress than happiness.  Sometimes you listen to them and they are all about themselves.  You barely get a word in edgewise and when you do it is still about them.You have to do what is right for you.

Making an effort

People say they will always be there isn't always the truth. Sometimes you have to cut people out of your life with no explanation.  You don't have to settle for people treating you less. You deserve to have people text or call you first. You deserve people who check on you to see how you are doing and it not always be about them. Nobody in this world is perfect. we make mistakes. Treat each other with kindness. Remember to sometimes call or text friends first.  They might have girlfriends, boyfriends,  husbands,  wives, or kids. That doesn't mean don't make an effort to call or text. Even if they are busy if they truly care about you they will make the effort.  People who care make an effort.


When it comes to dreams, I don't give up on mine. There are times I fail. I have been known to get frustrated,  discouraged,  and even disappointed. The point is if you love your dream,  you work hard at trying to accomplish it.

Happy 4th of July


Update on poetry book

Currently I have about 15 or so poems left to write to make it to 200 pages. After that I am going to figure out the cover art and publish it on Amazon once I can.

Good evening

Good evening beauties!! Hope you all have a wonderful and safe weekend!!