Just wrote this poem

He made empty promises
Didn’t mean a word
I love you, I am not sure if those were just empty words
Told me what we would do further in life
I so wanted to believe him
I so wanted it to be true
I so wanted to be loved back
Empty promises
Tear stained pillows
Thought for sure this time it would be different
Thought he was it
It didn’t end that way
He ended it quick
It didn’t end bad but that doesn’t matter
There is no such thing as a good break up
No such thing as a clean break
It doesn’t work that way
Each day I move forward
I look back and think wow
It still makes me sad sometimes
People say he isn’t worth it
I thought so
No one has the right to tell you how to feel
I put a smile on my face and move forward
That is all I can do
Everyone deals different


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