
Showing posts from June, 2022

You are worth it

 You are worth it even if people say you aren't worth it. Get rid of those people. They are negative and toxic. They aren't worth your time and energy. They want to suck the life out of you. Get away from them. You deserve to be accepted. Your feelings matter. No one has the right to make you feel less. Those people prey on people or they are insecure in their own lives which means they are miserable and want you to be miserable with them. You deserve people who love you for you.  People who are positive and not negative all of the time. Value yourself.  You are worth it. You deserve the best.  Don't settle. Keep shining bright through the darkness. 

Dark world and spreading light

 The world has become a very dark place which is truly sad. So much bad going on in the world and it just keeps getting worse. You have wars, inflation, recession, women being told what to do with their bodies, people who can't find jobs, homeless people, and much more.  It's horrible that it has come to this. People need to learn from history and stop making past mistakes yet they keep doing it over and over again.  Wars don't solve anything.  People die and lose their homes. We all bleed red. We are all human beings who make mistakes. Stop being greedy and power hungry. Learn how to better yourselves people.  Raising the price of living to make people struggle more is creating more problems and not solutions.  No, person should be able to tell a woman to do with their body. Nobody should be able to tell anyone what to do with their body.  There are ways to change the world. It starts by people using their voices, learning from past mistakes, setting ...

Stop treating people like convience

 Don't let people treat you like you are a convience because you aren't one. Phones work both ways. Going to see people works both ways. If you are married, have kids, or significant others don't use them as an excuse either.  If your friends are married, have kids,or significant others then maybe include them also. Have get together. Cook out, have game nights, or whatever.  Don't use your job as an excuse either. Everyone needs a break sometimes.  Don't have family or friends constantly asking how you are or inviting you to stuff. Take time out to ask how they are doing and invite them or make them feel included. The world doesn't revolve around any of us. Start acting like you care or they will think you don't care at all. If you don't call,text, or go see people how do they know. You can post on social media but not call,text, or go see family or friends which is what is wrong with the world. No one is communicating.  They read a text and take it out...

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5 New Beginnings and Endings Update

 Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5 New Beginnings and Endings is still being edited.  I didn't realize how hard it would be to edit this book. There are so many emotions in certain scenes that sometimes I have to take a step back and go back to it. Yesterday I had to take a chunk out because I forgot some stuff I had put in it so had to rewrite certain parts. It worked out for the best. I have 304 pages left to go and then I will probably skim to see if anything else may need done.

Make time for yourself

 Make time for yourself sometimes.  Sometimes you need you time to decompress.  You need it to unwind from stress.  Do the things you enjoy doing.  Eat the foods you like to eat. Buy yourself something if you have the money.  Showers or bath to relax. Listen to music or dance. Act silly.  Watch a movie. It is important for your mental health to do that. You are important. You deserve the best. 

Family doesn't have the right to treat you bad

 Family or not they don't have the right to treat you bad. You don't have to tolerate them treating you bad,gaslight, mental abuse, physically abuse, be narcissistic, or toxic. Set boundaries.  Call them out on it. Tell them if you can. You deserve the best no matter what. Write it down if you have to. If you have to put distance between them and you do that. If you have to cut them fully out of your life because they are abusive do that. Get help if you need to. It effects your mental health. No one has the right to abuse you. People make excuses for family and they should not do that or turn a blind eye. Stop making excuses for bad behavior.  Stop telling people they will regret being it or family is family. No one has the right to be ugly to you,talk down to you,tear you down, talk to you condescending, or abuse you.  Some of them want you to  depend on them but make you feel like crap for it. Make it out like they will help you but make you feel bad for even...

Friends and family

 Some people claim to be your friend yet don't act like friends.  They act like acquaintances or strangers. This is becoming more and more common unfortunately. You see each other less, call less, and text less. Eventually you hear from them every blue moon and sometimes you wonder are they still a friend sometimes. You hear the excuse I'm busy. Everyone does get busy I understand that. You have families, work,appointments, or whatever the case may be. The people who care about you try to always stick by you but if you act like you don't care why should they stick around.  You learn to make time.It is important to have friends who you can talk to or go see to do stuff with. We have become a society who doesn't communicate with people well and texts get taken out of context because you can't see a person's facial expression and you might take it the wrong way.  I have seen this done time and time again. Friends are just as important as family.  Families do the sa...