
Showing posts from January, 2019

Religious point of view

People want to blame, Christians, Churches, and the Bible one what is wrong with the world and I can see why they would think that, but it isn't the religion itself or the Churches or even the Bible. It is judgmental people. People who throw judgement and have no clue of what they are talking about. It is each individual person. Nobody in this world is perfect. We all have choices. Don't blame it on Christians, Churches, or the Bible. They probably aren't practicing what they are preaching if they aren't leading by example and going around spreading hate, lies, and much more. Someone who studies the Gospel and tries will admit they are a sinner. They will try to spread love and light and not hate. You can't go around saying the Devil made me do it because that is not the case. You have choices.

My birthday


Birthday Weekend

Sunday is going to be my 36th Birthday and I haven't even figured out what to do for it yet. Not sure what I'm going to do. Been trying to get a hold of friends to see what they are doing but not much response and some live to far to do anything.

Good Afternoon

Good afternoon beauties!! I hope that you all have amazing day!!

Needs over wants

Sometimes what you think you want might not exactly be what you need in life. I've made all kinds of bad choices over the years because I thought I needed something when in actuality it was just a want that I didn't need. Made for bad choices in relationships and friendships. Sometimes you need to be alone and focus on what truly makes you happy before you make an actual decision.

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5 update

Alexis is having dinner with more friends and been shopping with the girls for her future sister -n- law. I have a lot more to cram into this chapter.

Quality over Quantity

When spending time with family or friends it should be about quality time and not the quantity of time that we get with them. Meaningful conversation. Quality time can be anything from just talking with family and friends to check up on them or spending time with them. You can have lots of quantity time with people and them not actually feel like they are far away. You can feel alone surrounded by people.

Good Afternoon

Good afternoon beauties!! Have a wonderful day!!

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5

Alexis is eating dinner with her new friends out in the Bayou. She is working on making new friends.

Words of wisdom

People can always promise to be there for you forever, but that doesn't mean they will be there forever. Some will say they will always have your back and prove you wrong. You can't promise people forever because we all die, some of us grow a part, some people say they will change and don't change, and the list goes on. There are some that do stick it out through the storm and try to fix their relationships with kids, family, friends, and other people along the way. Some prove you wrong by staying toxic and negative. There are some people who don't have your best interest at heart. In all of this try to forgive people for your peace of mind. You don't have to be ugly to others. How they treat you is a reflection of themselves and you don't have to stoop to that level. Show love and not hate. Hate is a virus that spreads virally each and every day.

Birthday wish

Over the years I've tried selling my books and each year isn't any better than the next, but it doesn't stop me from writing because maybe one day the right person will read it and share it with the world because they just loved it that much. I do it to inspire others. Writing is my happy place. Have been doing it for many years. I don't do it just for the recognition. I want people to actually just take the time and read it and fall in love with it like I did when I was writing each one. With my poetry I am hoping to accomplish touching peoples souls. Want people to feel alive by what they read and feel like they are escaping reality like I had done when I wrote it. My big birthday wish this year y'all can help come true by buying my books and reading my work. IT is you the readers that are important.

Good Afternoon

Good afternoon beauties!! Hope you are all having a good start to your week!!

Good afternoon

Good afternoon beauties!! Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend.

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5

Currently I am doing research on New Orleans to find fun places for Alexis and her family to go and see for when her family comes into town. I have a lot more to smash into this chapter. Alexis is going to be doing some shopping with some of her new friends.

Good evening

Good evening beauties!! I am super proud of my boys and how they did on their grades in school.

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5

Alexis is hanging out with her new friends in New Orleans. She took care of the business that needed taken care of at the moment.

Good Afternoon

Good afternoon!! Hope you are all having a lovely day!! Today I've not accomplished a whole lot. One of my boys stayed home from school sick. Got a call from the school telling me my oldest wants to play baseball. I am not sure whether he will get to play baseball or not.

Little about myself

Hello everybody!! I am Amy Stark. I am a mom, author, blogger, photographer, and social media guru. I've been writing since I was about twelve years old. When I went to school I started writing and have enjoyed it. For inspiration I read, go to the grocery store, go out to eat, walk, movies, and much more. I published my first book through PublishAmerica and the other 3 after that. Didn't sell many due to prices. They were all four poetry books. My first one was published in 2009. After that I wrote the first book in my series called Psychic Vampire Prophecies and went through a publisher but come to find out she was trying to rip people off and got the rights to my book back and self published it after that and have been self publishing ever since. I am the one who does my own advertising. Every social media outlet is my way of trying to sell books. I am trying to finish off my series. As for being a mom I am raising two teenage boys. They are my world. Had my oldest when I w...

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5

Alexis has a lot going on right now. Her brothers wedding is coming up soon. Right now she is in New Orleans taking care of personal business along with having some fun that is much needed.

Help Me Sell 100 Books

This is my birthday month and I would so love to sell 100 copies of each book before January 27th. I know it is a lot to ask. It is my dream. It would help me out in more ways than you can think of if this dream comes true. I have been posting it everywhere and need all of your help to help with this. I want people to see what my books are all about and would like 100 copies of each book to be sold with y'all to also leave reviews so more people can see my work. It is a new year and I am determined to get my sells up. It isn't all about the sells. I want people to read my work and see that they won't be disappointed.  I will post all the books down below. They are all available on Amazon and Kindle. If you don't have a Kindle you can download the App to read my books.

I don't do New Years Resolutions

For me I don't understand why people make New Years Resolutions. They say they are going to change and do better in their lives. You should want that regardless. You should be doing what you dream of doing. Quit making excuses to be a better version of yourself and be the better version of yourself. If you want something set goals and work towards it. There are times where I say I am going to do things and start and don't finish. I know that some of it is because I am being lazy or don't want to do it. You have to retrain your mindset. If you want to lose that weight then do it. You can't eat anything and everything in sight and not exercise and think you will get results. I am so guilty of this. If you are a writer and want to get a book published write that book. Quit making excuses about writers block or I was to busy. I am raising two kids by myself and find the time. Write a sentence a day, go to grocery stores, read, watch a movie, spend time with people, go for...

Happy New Years

Happy New Years to you all!! Hope you have an awesome year and be the best you that you can be.