
Showing posts from December, 2018

Day after Christmas

Yesterday was a busy day on Christmas. I am like a kid around this time of year and worse than my kids at times when it comes to what time we do presents. With me I usually wake them anywhere for 1 AM to 2AM. This year it was about 2 AM when I woke them up. While they open gift I take lots of pictures because that is something I enjoy doing. Being the kid of a photographer can drive them batty at times, but they understand it. They know I am doing it to remember our memories together. We did all end up going back to bed for maybe eight hours of sleep but I think it was less than that. That afternoon was spent with my sister, brother -n- law, and nieces. My boys and I opened their gifts and my nieces opened the ones from us. I had already made them peanut butter cookies over the weekend that had already been given to them as part of a gift. When we were done there we had went to my dads to cook Christmas dinner. My boys would run back and forth to my house to get certain things they wan...

Good afternoon

Good afternoon beauties!! Have a wonderful day!!

Merry Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas Eve!! I hope you all are having a wonderful day!! 🌲🌲🌲🎄🎄🎄🎅🎅🎅

Good afternoon

Good afternoon beauties!! Have a wonderful day!!

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5 Updates

Alexis is figuring out what to do with her Sunday. She figures she will bond with the family and take time out to get to know Alana a little better.

Finished Poetry book Before Christmas

I finished writing a poetry book before Christmas as one of my goals. It is available in e-book now and review for paperback at the moment.

Good evening!!

Good evening beauties!! Have a wonderful day!!

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5 Update

Alexis and Samiel are about to go out on the boat to go fishing so she can have a relaxing fun night that isn't about everybody else for a change. She has been needing this.

Good afternoon

Good afternoon beauties!! Have a wonderful day and hope that you have a good night tonight.

Happiness isn't all about money

When it comes to happiness it isn't about having all the money in the world or lots of it. Yes, it does make things a little less stressful. There are many things that can make a person happy. Listening to music and singing along. Dancing like a silly person like you don't have a care in the world. If you have kids it's the quality time with them not the quantity time. It is about forming quality friendships. Small things that add up to the big things. Spending quality time with family and friends.

Anti Bullying

Each and every day their is a child, teen, or adult being bullied. Sometimes people do something about it and other times they stand by and do nothing at all. It is becoming ridiculous. Some of it is watching their peers do it, others don't get enough attention at home, some mimic their parents because they think this is acceptable behavior, some don't get the right marks at school, and the list of reasons can be long. If your friends think it is okay to bully others then you need to find new friends. People who think that is cool aren't cool at all. Make healthy relationship with your peers. Stand up for the ones who are bullied. If your parents are who you are mimicking find a role model who is positive to look up to. Don't ever be afraid to tell when you are being bullied. You have the right to feel safe and comfortable wherever you go. Don't treat people horrible. It isn't right. Stomp out bullying. Start a system where you help people out so people aren...

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5 Update

Alexis and Samiel are talking about their dreams and goals when it comes to college.  She is still getting to know herself and has much to learn about herself.

Good morning

Good morning beauties!! Have a wonderful day and week!!

Anti Bullying

There are times when some can't tell they are being bullied and it's sad really because they don't say anything because they want to believe these people are there friend when they are truly not. It is not okay to intimidate people. It is not okay to video people who are being bullied and posting it to social media. That is sickening and wrong. If you are seeing someone who doesn't stand up for themselves being bullied help stand up for them. Some kids and teen or even adults don't know how to use their  voice or they might have a mental impairment so they don't really understand what is truly going on around them.Stand up to bullies. Tell them to back off. Tell them to leave you alone or your friend alone. It is not okay to stand by and not do anything about it. You are no better than that bully if you just keep sweeping it under the rug and allowing it to happen. It is not nice to make fun people. Not nice to call people names. Not nice to tear people down or ...

Good evening

Good evening beauties!! Have a wonderful night and day tomorrow!! Hope that your week goes well everybody!!

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5 Updates

Samiel is taking Alexis somewhere and not telling her where and they are going to have a picnic dinner to keep her mind off the upcoming wedding. He knew she needed a night away from hearing anything about it.

Book Promoting

I need y'alls help to help with my dream. All of my books are available on Kindle and Amazon. If you don't have a Kindle download it on your tablet, phone, computer, or laptop. I would like to get 100 copies of each book sold before January 27th which is my birthday wish. Please share, tag friends, or buy copies. Thank you.

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5 updates

Alexis is finally finished with her finals early and ready to enroll for her next semester of college. She is going to enroll in college classes because she wants to fast track through college. She wants to go out to celebrate being finished for the time being. This wedding stuff is driving her batty. She is trying to figure out how to form a friendship with her future sister -n- law.

Good afternoon

Good afternoon beauties!! Have a great day!!

Book Boost

I need y'alls help to help with my dream. All of my books are available on Kindle and Amazon. If you don't have a Kindle download it on your tablet, phone, computer, or laptop. I would like to get 100 copies of each book sold before January 27th which is my birthday wish. Please share, tag friends, or buy copies. Thank you.

Working on another book

I am currently working on writing another poetry book and hope that I can have it finished soon.

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5 Update

Alexis is talking to her brother and trying to let him know what is going on with her before that she tried lying about it because she thought he might think that she was trying to take away from his happy day which is only in nearly two months.

Good evening

Good evening beauties!! Hope you all had a good day!!

Good morning

Good morning beauties!! Have a great day!!

Listening to your kids

Sometimes as parents we don't listen to our kids enough and interrupt them while they talk. Shut up for a moment. You don't like when people interrupt you so don't do it to them. Put your phone down, computer off, TV off, and other devices off while your child or teen is talking to you. Give them your undivided attention. They need to be heard even if it is the smallest thing. Let them get it off their chest. Listen to them and don't just hear them. Ask how that makes them feel and maybe what they would like to go differently. Start listening.

Good afternoon

Good afternoon beauties!! Have a wonderful day and week ahead!!

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5

Alexis is about to have steam coming out of her ears. At this point she is needing to run off steam but has to help with picking wedding rings which she is not jumping over the moon over. She wants to get closer to her future sister -n- law but doesn't really know how to bond with women really.

Good evening

Good evening beauties!! Hope you had a good day and hope you have a good night. Have a good week ahead of you.


No one is in control of your happiness Stop thinking that they are in control They are only in control if you give them that control Words are just words and yes they can hurt and cause pain You have to learn to heal you Focus on you Make you happy Build yourself up No one can do it but you Stop relying on other Quit waiting on others They can listen They can stand by you They can build you up Walk away from the ones who tear you down Walk away from the negativity Walk away from the toxic Cut it out and be free You have control of it You can do it Do it for you and no one else Be the best version of you Love you for you Accept you for you Quit that negative self talk Stop calling yourself ugly Quit blaming others for your actions Take responsibility Be the best you that you can be day by day Your past is your past Don't live there no more We all have lessons...