Relationship 101Not an expert

I am not a relationship expert. Though I do know a few things since I have failed a lot. Don't give up just because you fail. Before you can be in any relationship learn to love you. I know that sounds crazy yet it is the truth. How can you expect someone to love you if you don't love you? Yes, there are going to be days you don't like you. That doesn't mean stop loving you. Also accept you for you. Don't change unless that is your choice and it is to better yourself. We all have them negative voices that say we aren't worth it when we truly are worth it.
I think people tend to forget what we need to make true relationships work may it be a friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife.
1) Communicate- Talk to them. Call,text, go see them. Respond back. If you are busy tell them, I can't talk. That shows respect of the other persons feelings. Don't always text. Talk to them face to face because so much can be lost in translation in a text. Just because you put emojis and use caps doesn't give justice. It is lacking.
2) Spend time together whether it's beings silly, playing a game, going to the park. If you are a couple you need date nights. You don't have to be extravagant.
3) It's not all about money. Yes, we need money to survive. More fights are about money and that causes stress which leads to a fight.
4) Remember how to have fun.
5) Sometimes we don't realize it but we do get on each other's nerves due to over calling, over texting, and over stepping boundaries. We all need time to take a step back and breath. Think of ways to make the relationship better.
6)Set boundaries and respect each other.
7)Talk problems out.
8) Forgiveness is important. It's important for both of you so you can be at peace with yourself.
9) Not everything has to be posted on social media.
10) Accept them as they are.
11) Don't make promises you don't intend to keep.
12) Be supportive when they are going through a bad time and any other time.
13) Only tell someone you love them when you mean it.
14) Take time to get to know them.
15) Sometimes you just need to shut up and listen.
16) Apologize if you let someone down. Do not apologize for how you feel.
17) Don't go to bed mad if you can avoid it at all costs. Might be the last chance at amends or what if they don't wake up tomorrow.
We as people need to learn to value others as people and their feelings more. Put down the phone and turn it off every now and then. Spend time with people face to face.
We all need someone to hug us, kiss us, and show affection. It is much more than that.


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