Relationships and deserving the best
When it comes to your relationships don't let people tell you what to do. Make your own decisions. Get to know them and don't jump head first. Jumping head first can lead to bad decisions. It is still your choice and decision. If you have a bad gut feeling don't ignore it. Your gut won't ever point you in the wrong direction. Don't ignore red flags. Communication is key. If you feel like you aren't safe get out as soon as possible. Some will tell you they love you when they don't really. Make promises they don't keep. Accuse you of cheating. They lie to you. Use you for a place to stay or money or whatever they can get out of you. They belittle. They play the victim. Isolate you from your family and friends. Make you feel crazy. Some only go through the emotional abuse. Some go through physical abuse. Some go through both. It is okay to cut toxic people out. It is okay to end unha...