Back to school 2020
Today is my kids first day back to school since the schools shut down due to Covid. Part of it worries me and some ways it doesn't. My boys were ready to go back to school. When we had to do school from home it was a nightmare. I don't have internet where I live. Most providers don't come out here and the ones who do want a lot of money up front. One place said they wanted $300 just to install it. That is ridiculous. Our routine was off. Emotionally we were all over the place from having to spend that amount of time together. You end up getting on each other's nerves. I would drive to McDonald's or local college and we would sit in the car to try to get homework done. Sometimes the signal would be so weak that we couldn't do it. I was constantly having to explain this problem to teachers. Even when they had packet work some teachers would put online stuff on it and it was like you gave them packets because they have no internet. It made no sense. They have done a lot of things to improve the situation just in case the school has to be shut down again due to covid. They have to wear masks, social distance, hand sanitize, clean desks after every class. I think we just need to stay positive through these rough times. My kids are happy because they want the social interaction and not have to be home all the time even though we did do a lot and went out to do things.
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