
Showing posts from February, 2021

My tonsillectomy surgery

 Yesterday I had my tonsillectomy surgery to have my tonsils removed. I had them removed because they were enlarged and I have sleep apnea. I was very nervous about surgery and had an asthma attack before so had to have a breathing treatment before. They gave me anesthesia to put me under for surgery and I remember yawning and being sleepy before surgery. I was out quick. Woke up nauseous and nearly threw up which hurt. They gave me something for the nausea. I  stayed in recovery for a little bit.  Was told no eating anything but soft foods for 2 weeks and no smoking cigarettes for 2 weeks. My throat is very sore. Can barely talk. Have only ate pudding, popsicles,  sherbet, and soup.  Been sipping on water and Gatorade. Doing a lot of resting.

Happy 18th birthday son

 18 years ago I gave birth to an 11lb 9oz 21in baby boy. I can't believe he is 18 years old now. Time flew by. He is now 6'3 and a JR in high school. We have our up and down days. He is an amazing kid who I love very much. Happy Birthday son!! Know that I will always be rooting you and there for you. You make me proud of you every day even on the days you drive me batty. I will always be here for you son. Love you lots.

Stay safe in this cold weather

 Hope that everyone is doing well and staying safe in this cold weather if you are having cold weather where you are at. My family and I are staying safe. We are doing well. Sending positive vibes and light to you all.

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5 update

 Just started writing Chapter 72 of Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5. Did a Halloween scene. Now working on a Thanksgiving scene which isn't going to take long to finish up. 

Make the world a better place

 People are always like why is there bad in the world. They blame anything from God, to the the Devil, or others. When things are going bad or they had something horrible happen to them they want to blame a higher power. It all stems to if bad things didn't happen when would we appreciate the good that we have in our lives. Would you be thankful if things were always good and things were perfect? No you would still be ungrateful. I'm not saying that it is great that these things happen because it isn't great. Yes, there are times where people are to blame for the bad things that happen to you. It was there choice to make that decision to treat you bad or do those bad things. With every bad there is good and every good there is a bad if you think about it. It is all about leveling things out. It is all about learning. If you don't like what is going on in your life then change it. If you don't like how others are treating you then walk away or get away from those peo...

Be yourself

 Just be the best you that you can be for yourself and not other people. If they can't accept you the way you are then they aren't worth your time. People who are out to change you are about themselves and not you. If you want to change do it for you because it is your choice. Don't bend over backwards to blend in when you were meant to shine and stand out in your own way. At the end of the day you have to live with you and they don't have to live with you. Love you for you. Embrace all of you. Be you.

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5

 Alexis is working on new projects and keeping busy with family a lot these days. She is learning on how to delegate responsibility. She is a very independent person who doesn't like asking for help much and is learning how to take help whether she wants it or not. There is a lot going on. I have been working harder because I lost 2 chapters and I couldn't fully recall how that was going so the story changed which is okay because I put more details into some of the locations and building and surrounding along with a little more back story on other characters that didn't have much of a back story.

Sometimes others don't know what is best for us

 Sometimes people think they know what is best for us when they don't know what is best for us.  It isn't that they don't mean well. What some fail to realize what may work for them may not work for you.  Sometimes you can explain stuff and they don't understand and that is okay. Each person's life journey and path is different.  Sometimes people let you down time and time again.  Sometimes you have to walk away and be done.  It is okay to be done.  Don't let others make you feel bad for it.

In control of ourselves

 The only person you are in control of is yourself.  You can't control how people act, what they are going to say or do.  Don't ever think that you can.  No one has that kind of power. Once you figure this out it is for the better.  Sometimes you have to cut those people out of your life.  Choose to ignore them.  Don't acknowledge them. As I said you are in control of what you say or do.  Each person is in control of how they handle anything in life.  Why would you want to give people the power to make you feel like that? Don't allow them that kind of power.  They will feed off of it. You have the right to choose to ignore or not engage with negativity or toxicity. You have the right to walk away or tell people leave me alone.  Don't let them be the reason you aren't happy. 


 Have a wonderful February!! Hope that you all have an amazing month!!