
Showing posts from March, 2020

Wake up call people

As people we should be working towards being more kind to one another.  Also we should be working to be more supportive. People's feelings matter. Stop being selfish greedy people. Needs trump what you want. If you can't see family and friends right now then call or text them. Video chat with them. If you do have people you are cooped up in the house with be grateful because some people want that and aren't lucky. Play games,  take walks, and communicate. As people we need to learn to be more appreciative and grateful for the things we have in life that we take fore granted. Wake up people. 


Hope you all had a wonderful Tuesday.

Shout out to teachers

Most don't realize how under appreciated teachers are in this world. They wake up early to get to school to teach all kinds of kids. You have some students who don't give them much trouble and others who are total nightmares. They don't just handle that sometimes they deal with parents who are moody, hateful,  or just not that interested in their kid. They are around germs and sick kids. You have teachers who will email you and let you know how your child is doing or they will call. Some give encouragement and build up students the best that they can. They listen to our kids and help our kids grow. They do the best they can. They make mistakes sometimes and that is okay. They are human. Treat them with the respect and courtesy they deserve. Much love to all you teachers out there.

Happy Monday

Hope you all have a wonderful day!!


I've battled depression for many years. People have made me feel even worse over the years for it. It got so bad I started believing I was crazy. People have assumed I want to make excuses when I don't get up out of bed, isolate myself,  or don't do things. On the days I don't get out of bed it is because I am not motivated or I am emotionally drained. As for being called lazy yes I can be and at the same time it foes back to me not being motivated. There are times where I am just disinterested in everything. I get the feeling of being overwhelmed.  I am working on my mental health because I know how important it is to work on it. Only I can change it. You can't fix me or anyone.  You can be supportive and an ear to listen.

Not giving up

I work hard on my dreams and goals. There are times I feel like I am not doing good enough and that I have failed. Even though I get discouraged I don't give up. I keep working towards my dreams and goals.I will continue to work hard at it because I love doing it.


As people we don't communicate as well as we should. We aren't always clear on what we say. Sometimes we need to be more clear on our words. We sometimes don't message,  call, or meet up with people as often as we should just to see if people are doing okay. Don't always rely on others to message, call, or come see you first. Sometimes we say things out of anger or we are upset which leads to hurting someone's feelings and don't think before we speak. As people we need to learn to talk about out problems and try to fix them. Communication is very important.

Happy Tuesday


Don't give up on dreams and goals

When working on dreams and goals sometimes we fail. We don't need to get up just because we fail. It means keep moving forward. You have to want it. Only you can change the circumstances. No one can do it for you.  You have to work at it. It isn't always going to be easy. Don't give up on your dreams and goals.

How to stay unbored

People keep talking about this thing called boredom and it ranges from adult to kids right now. I can give you a long list to unbore you.  Clean house, watch movies, play board games, play card games, dance offs, read books, take a walk if you can depending on your area, yoga, if you have nail polish paint your nails, start a recipe Group, do instructional videos on stuff you know how to do, blog, color, paint pictures,  write poetry,  write a book, write a song,  karaoke,  if you have stuff to make type dye shirts make them, story time, build forts out of blankets and pillows,  sock puppets, flash lights with doing shadows, if you have color dye add it to coke bottles, blow bubbles, face time with family and friends playing games or dance offs or things like that, make bubbles or slime, take pictures of random objects and have people guess what it is, take pictures.  Hope these suggestions help all of you.

.99 cent books for limited time

Go download Psychic  Vampire Prophecies, Otherworld Dimensions Within,  Reaching Out,and  Emotions Flowing Out on Kindle for  .99 cents. If you do not have a Kindle go on Amazon and Download the Kindle app or Google play store and download the Kindle app. 

Good evening Friday

Hope all is well this Friday for you. Have a wonderful and safe weekend.

Support an author

People think once you get published the work is done. I went through one publisher and they made it to where not many copies were sold due to price. Later in life I did self publishing and found out it doesn't matter if you have prices super low because people are not guaranteed to buy them. I have even given books away for free for promoting and thought that would help but not the case. People I gave free books to didn't even review the book.  People reviews help authors. Other things that help us are you sharing our book whether you read or not. Tag everyone you know. Is it going to hurt? No, it isn't going to hurt. Not everyone has the money to afford advertising so we rely on every social media platform known to  man.

Roll Call

Hello everybody!! I want to get to know each of you.  Tell me hi and let me know about you.  Hope everyone is well out there.

Be kind

Everyone has life things they are going through that we don't understand where it might be mental or health wise. Don't judge them. They are hard on themselves.  We all have things in life we need work on in life. Be kind to all.

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5

Alexis has been doing a lot of traveling.  There are some bumps that might arise with new things coming up in her life. She is learning how to communicate better.

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5 update

I have been trying to figure ways to wrap it up. After this chapter I can cram a lot into the rest of the book.

Sorry if I haven't been attentive

Sorry everyone for not posting as much. Been working on the book some but trying to promote my other books more, doing job searches, keeping busy with kids, and trying to stay on top of my health.

Staying calm during crisis

I am doing my best to stay calm and not panic.  Yes, I have my fears. We all do. Everyone is handling it the best that they can. Right now is the time to be kind to each other. We all have enough stress and things we are going through. Spreading mass panic doesn't help. Yes, educate each other and make suggestions. Everyone has different views,  opinions,  and outlooks. You can agree to disagree. With that being said spread love and light to one another. Much love to you all and stay safe.

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5 Update

Alexis is doing a lot of traveling around the world.

Good afternoon Saturday

Good morning Friday



Thank you who all support me.

Good afternoon Thursday


New poem

Tears filled her eyes She cries when no one is around Cries behind closed doors Doesn't want the pity Don't want attention Will scream if she hears it will be okay one more time How do they know Did they live through it They aren't me Maybe they will understand but not fully Don't like people seeing her cry Doesn't like to cry Why oh why she keeps asking herself Once she starts she feels like the floodgates have been set free Will I ever stop crying is what she thinks to herself By-Me

New poem

Her heart is aching They keep opening the scars Once she thinks she's healed they take another jab opening old wounds Why won't they just let her be Sorry doesn't fix everything they done Hurt her badly Made her cry herself to sleep Blamed herself Thought what is wrong with me Nothing is wrong They are the ones to blame By-Me

Good afternoon Wednesday


Help with my dream

Stop the bullies

Stop bullies by staying in groups. You are no better than the bully if you don't stop it.Don't video bullying that is horrible and wrong.

Good morning Tuesday


Stomp out bullying

Each and every day someone is battling bullying and it is only taken somewhat serious. We as people are all battling things inside and outside that no one may know about.  How can you help? Stop it when you see it happen. Stand up for yourself and others.  Use your voice. Educating others may be helpful.

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Good evening Monday

Good evening beauties!! Have a wonderful week!!