
Showing posts from August, 2018

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5 update

Alexis and Samiel are in Arkansas when this snow storm hits. They are their for business and personal reasons. She has a lot that she needs to face in Arkansas so she can move forward in her life and not be so stuck in the past.

Good Evening

Good evening beauties!! Have a wonderful day!!

Good afternoon

Good afternoon beauties!! I hope you had a good day!! Have a good night. 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

Humming Bird


Reaching Out by Amy Stark download FREE on Kindle until Wednesday


Otherworld Dimensions Within by Amy Stark Free on Kindle until Wednesday


Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5

Alexis is tired of people butting into her business and being nosy in her life. If they keep pushing her she is either going to beat them or worse. She has so much baggage in her life that she hasn't been able to deal with it because things just keep popping up.

Good evening

Good evening beauties!! Hope you all had a good day!! Have a good week ahead of you!!

Good Evening

Good Evening Beauties!! Hope you all had a good night!!


Not your puppet Can't pull my strings when you just want to play with me You can't put me on a shelf and bring me down when you only feel like it I am not a dancing play thing Not a part of your circus I am not going to walk the trapeze My head is not a play thing It is not a pinball machine You can't play inside of there I am not a sheep that you can herd around Not a carpet to walk,stomp,and drag your feet My heart might have strings but you can't strum them cords when you just feel like it My heart is not for you to squeeze or rip out of my chest for all to see I am not here for you to lock away like a doll I'm a human being by-Me

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5

Alexis is figuring out what she wants to do with the rest of the day. She isn't sure if she wants to ride 4-wheeler's or what right now.

Roll Call


Free books Saturday-Wednesday

Go download them for FREE on Kindle.

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5

Fact about Alexis is that she can eat food like it is going out of style and not gain a pound because her body moves super fast when she runs that it nearly vibrates her core so she has to eat quiet often.

Good morning

Good morning beauties!! Have a wonderful day!! Hope you have a great weekend!!

labels of society


Positive messages


Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5


Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5

Alexis is not sure what to think of what is currently going on in her life. She is working through her grief, coming close to a friend, trying to take college classes, and so much more. Lots of self discovery. People keep pushing her buttons which is making her want to either run, hide, or knock them out. Samiel is trying to be the best help that he can be as a friend. Her brother Stephen is still planning his wedding.

good morning

Good morning beauties!! Have a wonderful Wednesday!! Hope you all have a great day!!


Things don't always go as planned We would like to hope so Like to think so Every now and then it falls apart Sometimes it feels like is it ever going to stop pouring Other times it feels like what did I do to deserve this Want to scream and shout Stressed to the max Cry my eyes out It some how finds a way to get better Have to take a deep breath and relax Know that some how things just find a way to get better Sometimes we try to hard Life is to short Just go with it by-Me


She keeps on being reminded of her past That is a place she doesn't live in anymore They keep hounding her You would of thought it was yesterday She keeps telling them, I don't want to hear it Uses her voice Yells loud and clear That is done That is over This is now Past is the past This is my present Quit dragging me back to a place I don't want to remember I remember it like yesterday It's done It is over That is my past This is my present Don't keep dragging me back there That isn't who I am now I made mistakes I own it I learned from it Leave it alone It is done This is the present-by-Me

Good morning!!

Good morning beauties!! Have a great Tuesday!!

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5

Currently in Psychic Vampire Prophecies 5 Alexis is figuring out that she needs to focus on herself, her studies, and grieving. She has always had to deal with things that come up so she hasn't given herself much time to mourn. Stephen is about to drive her crazy with his wedding plans.

Good afternoon

Good afternoon everybody!! Have a wonderful day!!

Good morning

Good morning beauties!! I hope you have a good day!!

Please check these pages below out

These guys are talented and need your help. Go check them out. Here are the links for you to check them out.

Writing in progress

I am currently working on Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5. Alexis is learning a lot about herself and what she needs to do with her life. Some things are up in the air. She is wondering should the humans know about the vampires even though they helped them out. Right now she is helping plan her brothers wedding. They have finally decided on a location.

Good afternoon

Good afternoon everybody!! Hope you all are having an amazing day!! Have a great week ahead!!

good evening

Good evening beauties!! Have a good day and weekend!!

Check out my twitter

Go check out my Twitter. It's random.

Go check out this page

This guy is trying to help his son and family. They are a creative bunch. Go check their Facebook page out and like it if you have a page.

Go check out Suzi Parker

Go check out her pages. She is a very inspirational and awesome woman.

Go check out my author friend Lacey Lane

She is a very talented author. I've read her books. Go check out her book page on facebook. Thank you.

Check out my friends page

My friend is a very talented woman. Please go check out her page if you have a facebook and like it. Thank you.


When it comes to dreams, I think you shouldn't give up. IT is okay to fail. That doesn't mean stop trying. It means that you should keep trying and try another angle. It is okay to ask for other peoples help when it comes your dreams. Set goals and work on it.

Good morning

Good morning everybody!! I hope all of you have a good day at home, work, or school, or in whatever you do!! Have a great day!!

Good morning

Good morning all you beautiful and handsome people!! Have a great Tuesday!!

My dreams and goals

Please help me with my dreams. I am trying to get the word out about my books to get them out there and could use all the help I can get. Let's see if we can make my books go viral so people will take time to read them and buy them. My writing means a lot to me. I have had a few people buy them and others download with they are free but this is not enough at this time. Special thanks to those who do read them, leave reviews,share everything, comment and much more.I have notic ed that some people aren't leaving reviews when they do read them which helps me in more ways than you know. It is a big dream and I believe with my heart that if everyone helps that we can have this post go viral. I know you have a lot of friends out there that might possibly like to read. Please go through your friends list and add every single person you know that likes to read or likes photography. My other big dream is to become a well known photographer and with your help you can make that happen. I ...

Boys first day of school

My boys just started 9th and 8th grade. They had a good and bad day because there was confusion with their schedules. My oldest had a melt down because of it because he doesn't understand. I explained to him that it will get better.

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5 update

Currently working on a party scene soon and Alexis' brother is getting married. Right now she is going through a rough time process information of who she truly is. She doesn't know how anyone is going to truly accept her as she is which scares hers. In ways she wonders are they going to want her to step down as the vampire leader when her secret is revealed.