
Showing posts from January, 2018

Parenting advice

When kids learn the word NO, you think I wish they hadn't learned it. It becomes their favorite word when asking them to do anything. They want to throw a fit and say, "No I don't wanna do it or No I won't." My favorite thing other than the word NO is the pouty face. When my kids start pouting, I laugh. When they were little I laughed. When other kids do it, I laugh. Pouty face doesn't work on me because I perfected that face as a kid to get my way. I have seen so many fall for it. Walk away or run or laugh. This is the oldest trick of getting their way and you fall for it and give in to what they want.

Friendship advice

Don't forget your friends when you get a significant other.

Relationship advice

Women men need built up just like us. They need to hear you love them and just small things. Tell them they look sexy, grab their butt, tell them their handsome,or whatever comes to mind.

Good afternoon

Good afternoon beauties!! Have a wonderful day!!

Go check out my Facebook Page

Amy Stark's Booktrailer


Parenting advice

I am no means an expert on parenting but I thought I would write some advice and funny stories on parenting. I have teenage boys. If you think you know it all guess what you don't now. Google becomes your best friend. Haha. If you are just having a baby that baby requires all of your attention. It doesn't hurt to lay the baby down so you can shower or go to the bathroom. That baby crying is okay. It will help their lungs. You can't take care of baby if you can't take care of you.

Friendship advice

If you don't call, go see, or text your friends to see how they are from time to  time it's possible one day they won't be there for you.

Relationship advice

Remember to laugh together.

Be thankful

Don't just give thanks on Thanksgiving. Show thanks and give thanks all year round. Be grateful. Don't be greedy. Greed has become so horrible. Sometimes you hear I need this or I need that. Do you really? Or I want this or I want that. Really? Do you truly need it? More than likely it is a WANT not a NEED. There is a difference. Yes, you need water, food, shelter, and clothes. Everything else is a luxury for most part. As humans we are also bad at wasting things or waste in general. Sometimes people value material possessions over family and friends. You aren't taking it to the grave with you. You can't take it to heaven or hell. Material possessions can be replaced but good family and friends can't be replaced. Think about that.

Good morning

Good morning beauties!! Have a great day!!😊😊😊

Friendship advice

It is okay to tell a friend no. If they don't respect it then they aren't a friend.

Relationship advice

Treat them with respect.

Good afternoon

Good afternoon beauties!!

Friendship advice

Sometimes you just need a girl or guys night to hang out.

Relationship advice

You don't need to have the password to all your significant others social media and e-mail. If you don't trust them then you shouldn't be with them.

I am blessed

I have been blessed more than anyone I know. When I was a week old I was adopted into a good family. It's small things to big things. I have had many people bless me through my life. I give thanks and pray. God shows me miracles and blessings. What is something that you consider a blessing in your life?

Good evening

Good evening beauties!! Have a good week!!

Pray for betterment for others

Pray for others. They may not see the error of their ways or might not have the right guidance. Pray for them.

Friendship advice

Don't expect your friends to bend over backwards to help you if you don't help them out. Be a friend.

Relationship advice

Women and men do something special for your significant other without them asking or dropping hints.

Today is my birthday!!

Today is my 35th birthday!! Woohoo!!

Good morning

Good morning beauties!! Have a wonderful day!!

Finding a Church isn't easy

When going to a church you listen and sometimes it sounds right yet other times not so much. I haven't been to many churches so I am no expert on the subject. I think it is finding one that speaks to you. In any church there will be people who say I am a Christian and judge. That isn't just church though. That is people in general. I am guilty of this just as much as the next person. That does not make it right. When choosing give people a chance. Go in with an open mind. Be positive. If you are bored that is not a good thing. If you nearly fall asleep listening to the word that isn't good either. You should feel like wow this is amazing or I can understand this or how can I apply this to my life and so much more. God will let you know if it is right for you. When hearing the word it  will speak to your heart.

Friendship advice

Sometimes our friends need us to shut up and listen without any opinions or judgement. Even if you don't like your friends choices that is okay. Stand by them no matter their choice.

Relationship advice

You don't have to like everything the other person likes. We are meant to be different. Keep your own individuality.

Good evening

Good evening beauties!! Have an amazing night and weekend!!

Friendship advice

You shouldn't be friends with someone for their material possessions because that doesn't mean you are a real friend.

Relationship advice

So many fight over money. You aren't taking your money to the grave. Work together. I know things can be stressful.

Good evening

Good evening beauties!!

A sin is a sin

Sometimes we make choices in life that we know aren't right and we do it anyway. When you do these things it is a choice. God gave us the free will to think and make choices. We have the choice to do right or wrong. Sins  are bad. Pray to better yourself. Try to lead a better life by doing Gods work.

Maybe you are praying for the wrong reason

You think there isn't a wrong way to pray, but there is a wrong way. It is wrong when it is self centered and you think what do I benefit from it. Prayer should be for guidance, wisdom to open our eyes, not for what we want but more for what we need, for the lost, the hate in the world, the sick, and much more. What we need might not be what we want. God gives us what we need.  Thank God for the blessings that have been bestowed to you. Think of the many blessings that have occurred  due to the power of prayer. Spread prayer. Spread love and light. Don't let hate win and rule.

Friendship advice

Remember that friends are just as important as your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, and other people in your life. Everyone plays a role. We all need friends. It is important to keep them and spend time together or talk to each other.

Relationship advice

Get to know each other and take your time. Good relationships aren't rushed. Do fun stuff together, talk, be silly. Know when to be serious.

Good Evening

Good evening beauties!! Hope you all have a good night!!

Friendship advice

Even if you are in a relationship make an effort to see your friends. IT is important to have friendships.

Relationship advice

Make the person you are with feel beautiful or handsome. Compliment them on their appearance when they are putting an effort or even when they aren't making an effort. Kiss on them and love on them. Show them that they are loved.

Good Evening

Good Evening Beauties!! Have an amazing night!!

Friendship advice

Some people complain on how they have no friends yet they don’t treat people right. They take advantage, use, manipulate, and lie. They are negative gurus. If you want to keep friends don’t treat people badly. Don’t use them. Also you have ones who only call when they need you or want you. Don’t do that to people. The world don’t revolve around us. There are other people in this world. Be kind to people. Be nice. The world is a horrible place without people adding negativity to it. Show love not hate to others

Relationship advice

Don't do the same thing every night. Change things up every now and then. Try something new every now and then. Be spontaneous or plan something. Save money up to do stuff together.

Good evening

Good evening beauties!! I hope you had a great week. Hope you have an awesome night and weekend!!

Otherworld Dimensions Within by me First page from First Chapter

Otherworld Dimensions Within   Amy Stark                      The places and people in this book are fiction. They are of my imagination. Copyright © 2017 by Amy Stark Acknowledgement Thanks to my boys, family, and friends who are constantly encouraging me to do better. Thank you for telling me I can do it.                                                                                      ...

Friendship advice

If someone calls or asks how you are doing often more than likely they care about you. Act like a friend. The world does not revolve around you. It takes two seconds to say hi. It takes a few extra seconds to ask, how are you doing? Take time out. If you can scroll through Facebook or the internet then you can say something to the friends who do care.

Relationship advice

Don't settle for less than what you deserve because one day you will wake up and regret it. IT is not fair to the other person nor you to settle. You might think this is all I can get. Don't think that.

Good evening

Good evening beauties!! Have a blessed day!! We had a snow day. My boys were out of school. They have had a good day playing in the snow and indoors keeping warm.

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5

I have been putting my work into finishing this series off. I am no where near close at the moment. I need to speed it up some. When I think I get close no where near it. I am determined.

Friendship advice

When it comes to people there will be people who are just so negative. Cut the negative people out. They are the ones who constantly have nothing nice to say. Find people who build you up and you do the same. Find positive people. Talk to people you know want to be a part of your circle.

Relationship advice

Women don't ask men if you look good or not if you don't want an honest answer. You shouldn't want him to tell you oh yeah that makes you look good when in reality you look like crap. If your butt looks big or hips or thighs or whatever in that outfit you already know the answer. Don't give him the guilt trip because he is being honest. IF you don't feel secure that is not always his fault unless he is just a total butt and tears you down all the time. If a guy tears you down all the time, you don't need that man. People can make themselves feel bad without needing help in that department. Be with people who build you up not tear you down.

Good afternoon

Good afternoon beauties!! Have an amazing day and week!!

Friendship advice

When you are catching up with a friend don't scroll through facebook or social media the whole time your together.  Not everything has to be about social media.

Relationship advice

When doing date night don't text and take phone calls. The only time it is acceptable to take a phone call is when it has to do with the kids. People need time without looking at their phone. It is respectful.

Good afternoon

Good afternoon!! Have a good day and weekend!!

Friendship advice

If a person calls or texts to check on you then you should return the favor. You should change out who's house to hang out at rather than do it at the others house all the time. Make time and effort to see your friends.

Relationship advice

If you go into a relationship thinking what can I get out of it then it will end up being short term. Your significant other should not be your ATM machine. Don't be a bum or a mooch. That is not attractive. People should want to be with people who are independent and take care of themselves.

Good afternoon

Good afternoon beauties!! Have a great day!! Keep chasing your dreams!!

Amy Stark's Booktrailer


Book review for Reveal

It is an amazing read that gets you sucked into the pages. This teenage girl has a lot going on after meeting a mysterious guy. It is quiet a lot for her to take in when she is given certain information. She always felt a little weird. Go check it out

Relationship advice

If you are a single parent there is no need for anyone to meet your kids in the beginning. I have seen first hand that doesn't work out well. And if it doesn't work out then the kids have to pay for it.

Good evening

Good evening beauties!! Hope you have a wonderful night.

Relationship advice

When you get bored of the same old same old try something new. Go to a place you haven't been together. Write notes to each other. Make new memories. Play a game of memory lane or I never. There are new adventures awaiting you every day.

Good Afternoon

Good afternoon beauties!! Hope you have an amazing day!!

Relationship advice

Women we are all guilty of making it hard to pick a restaurant when it is date time. We need to learn to make suggestions because everybody's taste is different. Don't get mad when he suggests fast food because you couldn't make up your mind. Men have her write places she likes to eat on paper and draw out of a hat. Just a suggestion. Try new places. If you don't like it you don't have to go back.

Hi evening

Good evening beauties!! I hope you all had a great day. Today in my house hold we have been working on cleaning before my boys go back to school. How many of you enjoy cleaning? What is it like to get your teenagers to clean? For me sometimes it is a battle and other times not so much.

3 of my books


Book Review for Obsidian A Lux Novel Book One.

I started reading this book the other day and couldn't put it down. You should go check it out. It is one of those that make you think hmm. You can sometimes know what is going to happen next but not always. There are elements of surprise. At first when you read you assume certain things like yeah yeah and then it is like well I didn't see that coming which is awesome. Go check out this book.

Relationship advice

Don't always make someone call or text you first. Pick up your phone and call or text them. Go see them and don't make excuses all of the time. If they go see you then make an effort. All of this works both ways.

Good Evening

Good evening!! How are things in your world? They are slowly getting better in my world. I went without water for a week due to freezing temperatures. When you have teenagers who are out on Christmas break you learn some patience but at the same time your lid blows because the stress becomes to much. You appreciate doing dishes, laundry, flushing toilets, and much more the moment it comes back on. People take stuff like that for granted. Don't ever take what you have for granted. Appreciate what you have.

Relationship advice

When it comes to relationships don't always do the same thing over and over. It does get boring. Spice it up. Bring the girl flowers. Write love notes to each other. Write letters to each other.

New book projects

One of my book projects is about a boy who is bullied and has a lot going on in his life. Another project is about a teenage girl who loses her mom.

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5

I have been working on trying to finish this last book in the Psychic Vampire Prophecies series for a while now. I am taking time to actually do it. Alexis is having one adventure after another. There are new creatures. One of her adventures is marriage, college classes galore, and much more.

Good night

Good night world. See you tomorrow. Have a blessed night. Keep dreaming.

Good night

Good night world. See you tomorrow. Have a blessed night. Keep dreaming.

Relationship advice

When it comes to dating you aren't dating anyone but that person so it doesn't matter what people say or do. If they can't be supportive they aren't a good friend. Social media is not the place for arguments. Turn off phone every now and then to spend time with the other person. They aren't dating your phone.

Happy New Years

Happy New Years Beauties!! Have an amazing year and week!! Dream big and chase them dreams!! Don't stand in your way and don't let others stand in the way of your happiness!! Accomplish your goals and dreams!! Have a HAPPY YEAR!!