
Haunted Plantation

 Haunted Plantation  This Halloween my friends and I are going to a haunted plantation house that is abandoned. It is located in the Bayou in Louisiana.  It is 5 days before Halloween.  My friends and I love old haunted buildings.  We have been buying supplies when we aren't going to our college classes.  We go to old abandoned buildings and investigate the back story of the history of each location.  On our investigations we record and make videos that we upload to our social media accounts which has started gaining traction over the years. We have stocked up on food, drinks, batteries for our flashlights, and other necessities. My friends and I are 20yrs old and it's our second year of college.  We are taking film classes and psychology classes along with basic classes. This week feels like it is dragging. We are ready for the weekend. Halloween falls on a Friday this year. I pack up Thursday night. After our classes Friday afternoon we go to the parking lot to put our bags a

Not everyone is for you

 Some people in life aren't meant for you. You will constantly have people coming and going in and out of your life. Not everyone is made for you. That is okay. Do not blame yourself for others actions.  Sometimes it isn't that they are bad people.  There are times people just grow apart.  Sometimes you lose contact to not ever hear from them again.  Others it is a learning experience. There are ones who don't respect boundaries.  Others might use you. The ones who prey and take advantage of you. Some who lie. Others who walk all over you.  Don't change to fit in. Don't bow down to others. Don't think you deserve bad because you don't deserve bad. Let people have their opinion of you and ignore them. Keep being the best you for you. There are good people in a world full of hate.

Don't let others steal your happiness

 Don't let others be the reason that you aren't happy in your life.  It's true when they say misery loves company.  Many are going to talk badly about you, start rumors,  and gossip about you. Don't entertain them.  The more you entertain them they feed off of it. They thrive on the attention.  You're giving them what they want.  They want a reaction.  These type of people usually think the world revolves around them. Some like to play the victim for more attention.  These people have narcissistic behavior.  They live for chaos and discord. Don't give them control.  You are in control of you and they are in control of themselves.  We can't control anyone's behavior other than our own. It's okay to defend yourself and move on.  You've got the emotional dumpsters who will dump all over you and not listen to you. That falls back under the category that they think their problems are either worse than yours and other things. The world doesn't revo


 Have a wonderful September beauties!! May your goals and dreams become a reality.  I hope that this month is a happy one for you.  

Help support me

 Want to help support me buy one of my books on Kindle or on Amazon in paperback.  .99 cents on Kindle.  Another way to help support is share this with family and friends. You might have family or friends who like to read. They can also share it.

Self care

 Self care is important for you.  Taking care of you for you is important.  You won't have energy if you spread yourself thin and take care of everyone else but you.  It is not selfish.  Whoever tells you that is lying.  Stop listening to those people.  Do things like take a relaxing bath or shower.  Sit outside.  Take deep breaths. Be lazy for the day if you choose to be. The chores aren't running away and will be back when you decide to do them. Read that book, buy that outfit,  do your hair the way you want,  eat your favorite foods, watch shows or movies, or treat yourself to nice things. Do stuff that relaxes you. Give yourself time to breathe because sometimes life is full of stress and struggles. Take a deep breath and exhale the bs in your life. Make time for you.  Tell people during you time that you cannot be disturbed. If you have kids you might have to wait until they are at school or asleep.  For you parents out there relax by watching your favorite shows or movies

Be there for loved ones

 Sometimes people say they'll be there yet they aren't there. Tell you that they will help and expect something in return or not even there. Got ones that are there when it's convenient for them.  Sometimes you check up on people and they don't check up on you. Phone works both ways. Coming to see each other works both ways. People need to stop with the excuses. I understand life gets busy and things happen.  That doesn't mean you can't take 2 minutes out of your day to ask family and friends if they are okay or tell them you love or care about them. Life isn't promised to us. Have them BBQ 's, picnic,  go out to bowl, play games, sleep overs, movie nights,or whatever.  Make time for each other. Help one another.  Support each other.  Build each other up. Don't have expectations.  Don't expect things in return.  Be an ear to listen.  Show up or be there when it counts. Tell them you love and miss them. People aren't mind readers.  If you are