Here is a list of all my books which are on Kindle and Amazon. Please share. My Feelings Unleashed and Let Out My Feelings Unleashed and Let Out is a book of poetry about different phases in my life that I've had to experience and go through over the years. I put all my emotions into it and just let them pour out on the page rather than bottling them all up inside. Bottled Up Feelings Unleashed It's about me letting my bottled up feelings out. It's a way for me to express myself and just let all my emotions that I need to express out, and writing them down. It's a way to make me feel better without bottling it all up inside. It takes a load of my chest so I don't feel weighed down. Freed From My Chains You don't point the finger at me like others tend to do. You let me try to figure it out for myself, because you know if you tell me what to do, I'll probably do...