Don't be hard on yourself
Even when things seem like they are better keep working on yourself. You are going to have up and down days. There will be days you will get in your own head. Sometimes you will be your own worst enemy. Be kind to you. Cut yourself a break. Yes, I know the world's a cruel place. Know that after the abuse you might think you can't do it , go on, your worthless, lazy, crazy, and all the labels they stuck on you are NOT TRUE. YOU ARE NOT THOSE THINGS PEOPLE SAY. THEY ARE PREDATORS PREYING ON YOU. YOU DESERVE LOVE, LIGHT,PEACE,HAPPINESS, RESPECT, BOUNDARIES THAT PEOPLE RESPECT, TO BE SAFE,FEEL SAFE,AND THE VERY BEST IN LIFE. Keep trying. Keep shining through in the dark. Know that each and every one of us is worth it. There is hope.