
Showing posts from November, 2020

Thanks for the support

 Thank you all who support me. I appreciate everything that you do for me. It means the world to me. Thanks for liking, reading, sharing, commenting, and everything. Y'all are awesome!!


 When it comes to all relationships communication is the key. Now days people don't communicate. Stop bringing everyone into your relationships with friends and partners. That is between you and those people not everyone and what is going on between you all. Listen to your friends. Listen to your partners. Sometimes you need to just shut up. Be empathetic. If you can't solve the problem at that point go back to it and talk about it later. Take time out to ask how your friends or partner are. Don't always make people check on you first. Stop making excuses about how you are bad about getting back to people. Stop making excuses that you are to busy. Most of you are scrolling social media clicking like buttons and posting things yet don't even check on the ones you say you care about. Make time for people you care about because you don't know if they are going to stick it out with you anymore or time in life is short. Don't take people you care about for granted. M...

Do what is right for you

 It is not okay to let people run you over. Stop letting people run you over. You are in control of yourself. Sometimes we think we can help people and unless they want to help themselves it doesn't work out. Stop letting toxic people ruin your life. It is okay to help people. Learn when to say no. Do not let people use and take advantage of you because they will. Do not let people make you feel bad for being yourself. Do not let people turn you cold hearted. Stop being a follower and lead. Be happy being you. Love you. Don't let others make you feel bad for cutting people out of your life. It is your life.Do what is right by you.


 Happy Friday to you all. 

Support those who support you

 We need to start supporting those who support us because it is only fair to do so. Stop competing with others. We all go at our own pace. We all have something to bring to the table. Stop complaining. No one wants to support someone who complains all the time.  Build each other up.  Stop tearing each other down. We all have something we are going through.  Be kind to one another.  Help each other out and thank each other. 

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5 update

 Been working on Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5 and am currently trying to finish this chapter. It is going to be a super long chapter because there is a lot to cram into this chapter. Am trying to figure out how to end the book. I know how I want to end it but have a lot of ends to tie up before I can end it.

Happy Thanksgiving

 Happy Thanksgiving to you all and may you be very thankful and blessed.

The good of this year

 Even with all the bad things that have happened this year, I have had plenty of good things happen this year. I've found out who a lot of my real friends are during all of this. Still finding out who some of those friends truly are during this. I've learnt some patience and know that I'm not in control of everything and that I can only control myself. Been working on my mental health and physical health to get the answers I need. I've sold some books. Replaced the car that caught on fire. Been working on being the best me that I can be. Things I am thankful for are my kids, family, friends, people who support me, that I sold some books, made some new friends, having a roof over my head, food, clothes, and much more. I am very grateful. I might get down about things at times and I work each and every day on that.

Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5

 Alexis has been working hard on being the best leader that she can be. There are days that she wonders is she doing good enough. She is learning that taking help doesn't make you weak. All she wants to do is her best and she gets discouraged.


 People start talking about what they are thankful for because of Thanksgiving coming up and it makes me sick. It makes me sick because they don't all act thankful all year long. It is like why just say you are grateful one time a year. There is plenty to be thankful for all year long. Right now some think there isn't a lot to be thankful for during a pandemic even.  They are just looking at the bad in the world. Yes, we have a lot of bad going on. I  am not saying don't acknowledge the bad, but don't let the good be snuffed out.  Let the good news be told. Let us shine through these dark trying times. Let us spread love and not hate. Most importantly be appreciative of what you have and be thankful all year long.