Hope you all have had a good start for the new year ahead of you. If not don't give up or get discouraged. Sometimes things have to get bad before they get better.
Hello world out there, I need your help to be recognized for my work as an author. Please help by sharing my blogs, facebook page, websites, and other social media pages. If you can afford my books please buy and review them. It would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Sometimes things aren't as they appear You try to look past the bad You so badly want to see the good in a person and at times you think it is there Come to find out there wasn't You shielded your eyes They made you believe their lies You wake up one day You have enough You shut the door and lock them out
" Need Help" Tell your teacher You need help When you need help They can't help you If you don't ever ask Speak up and let Them know that You need the Help that you need
Unexpected Christmas Romance by Amy Stark available for .99 cents on Kindle for a limited time. January 27th is when sale ends. First page of Chapter 1 It's a snowy day and the snow keeps coming down. That's how it normally is here in Colorado this time of year. I'm in the small town of Aspen. Christmas is almost near. I'm not even ready. I have bought everything we need to my parents house. There is still a few things I lack in buying. It doesn't ever seem like it is ever enough. Everyone in the family me want to pull my hair out. It is a wonder how I get through any holidays. Yes I like holidays don't get me wrong but they are a very stressful time of year. It always seems like I am broke even though everyone is happy with what they get it just feels like it isn't enough. I know it shouldn't be about the money or gifts. It is about spending time together and sometimes I feel like I don't get enough time with family and friends at times. This is m...
Every day I work hard trying to be heard by any and all who will listen to me about my books and photography. Help me reach the masses to help my dreams come true. Thanks to all who listen, comment, and share. Thanks to all who buy my books and pictures. It means the world to me.
Psychic Vampire Prophecies Volume 5 New Beginnings and Endings is still a work in progress. There is a lot to say in this book. New creatures and hunters. Who will Alexis marry? So much loss. And much more.
Good morning!! It's Monday. My creative brain is in overdrive this morning. Coming up with random ideas. Have a good week. This is my birthday week. I plan on making it good. Friday is my birthday. If you'd like help make my birthday awesome go buy one of my books on Kindle that is available for .99 cents.
Ever have one of those nights you couldn't sleep? Tonight I lay down and get comfortable but my mind starts going. If it isn't about dreams it's about what I was put through the past few months. That was a nightmare and even though it's over the damage is done Then I've got the fifty million things to do the next day stirring back there. Thinking I know all men aren't the same yet why so hard to find a decent one. Oh yeah patience. Thinking of ways to spend quality time with kids but not doing same things over and over. Ways to market and sell books and pictures. These are part of my thoughts spinning around in my head.
After college you think it might be easy to get a job and work in the field you chose. It isn't as easy as you think. Sometimes you have to work a job you don't want until there are job openings. Don't give up on your dreams.
Do you truly know the signs of emotional abuse? Do you think your family member or friend is just ignoring you? Emotional abuse can be hid behind a smile. The abuser starts slow by small things. An example would be spending the victims money when they know they don't have it. They try to gain trust from the victims family and friends to later use it against them. They make belittling comments on your past, accuse you of cheating, and make you feel like you have no self worth. You walk on egg shells thinking if I say this or do that it will get better. The abuser is a compulsive liar. The longer you stay the abuser isolates you from family and friends. If you see these signs leave the abuser. You don't have to stay the victim. The abuser will say they love you. They don't love you. They will say anything to keep you including threatening to hurt your loved ones. That is their way to make you feel trapped. It scares you. They make you feel paranoid and unsafe. If you see ...